Tag: spear-phishing
FIN7 Cybercrime Group Targeting U.S. Auto Industry with Carbanak Backdoor
in SecurityNewsThe infamous cybercrime syndicate known as FIN7 has been linked to a spear-phishing campaign targeting the U.S. automotive industry to deliver a known… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/04/fin7-cybercrime-group-targeting-us-auto.html
Beware Of Weaponized Zip Files That Deliver WINELOADER Malware
in SecurityNewsAPT29, a Russian threat group, targeted German political parties with a new backdoor called WINELOADER using spear-phishing emails containing maliciou… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/weaponized-zip-files-wineloader-malware/
FIN7 targeted a large U.S. carmaker with phishing attacks
in SecurityNewsBlackBerry reported that the financially motivated group FIN7 targeted the IT department of a large U.S. carmaker with spear-phishing attacks. In late… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/162014/cyber-crime/fin7-targeted-u-s-carmaker.html
FIN7 Targeted US Automotive Giant In Failed Attack
in SecurityNewsSpear Phishing Messages Sent to Emplpyees With Admin Rights. A Russia-based cybercriminal group targeted a large American auto manufacturer, more evid… First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/fin7-targeted-us-automotive-giant-in-failed-attack-a-24904
FIN7 targets American automaker’s IT staff in phishing attacks
in SecurityNewsThe financially motivated threat actor FIN7 targeted a large U.S. car maker with spear-phishing emails for employees in the IT department to infect sy… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fin7-targets-american-automakers-it-staff-in-phishing-attacks/
FIN7 targeted a large U.S. carmaker phishing attacks
in SecurityNewsBlackBerry reported that the financially motivated group FIN7 targeted the IT department of a large U.S. carmaker with spear-phishing attacks. In late… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/162014/cyber-crime/fin7-targeted-u-s-carmaker.html
Russian Cyberattackers Launch Multiphase PsyOps Campaign
in SecurityNewsOperation Texonto spanned several months, using various Russian propaganda lures and spear-phishing to misinform and trick users into giving up Micros… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/remote-workforce/russian-cyberattackers-launch-multi-phase-psyops-campaign
Hackers Exploit EU Agenda in Spear Phishing Campaigns
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/hackers-exploit-eu-agenda-spear/
Spear Phishing vs Phishing: What Are The Main Differences?
in SecurityNewsThere are a few differences between spear phishing and phishing that can help you identify and protect your organization from threats. Learn about the… First seen on techrepublic.com Jump to article: www.techrepublic.com/article/spear-phishing-vs-phishing/
Spear Phishing als Basis für Advanced Persistent Threats
in SecurityNews– Malware lauert längst nicht mehr nur in den dunklen Ecken des Internets. Per Drive-by-Download fangen sich Besucher ohne eigenes Zutun Spyware, Troj… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.SearchSecurity.de/themenbereiche/bedrohungen/phishing-und-spam/articles/387714/
Mass phishing will be replaced by spear-phishing in 2013
in SecurityNewsThe traditional mass phishing campaign of the past will slowly be replaced by more targeted and effective personalized spear-phishing in the future…. First seen on http: Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com//view/29649/mass-phishing-will-be-replaced-by-spearphishing-in-2013/
[News] Spear Phishing Remains Preferred Point of Entry in Targeted, Persistent Attacks
in SecurityNewsPersistent targeted attacks against the government, financial services, manufacturing and critical infrastructure take on many characteristics. Attack… First seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/SecurityTube/~3/sr_OokEZ_JY/1102
Trend Micro: Almost All Targeted Attacks Start with Spear Phishing
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/trend-micro-almost-all-targeted-attacks-start-with-spear-phishing.html
Spear Phishing Remains Preferred Point of Entry in Targeted, Persistent Attacks
in SecurityNewsPersistent targeted attacks against the government, financial services, manufacturing and critical infrastructure take on many characteristics. Attack… First seen on http: Jump to article: threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/how-tips-shopping-online-112012
91% of APT attacks start with a spear-phishing email…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com//view/29562/91-of-apt-attacks-start-with-a-spearphishing-email/
Deutschland besonders gefährdet: Wie Diebe sich geheime Firmen-Infos erschleichen
in SecurityNewsUnternehmen werden immer häufiger von so genannten Spear-Phishing-Attacken heimgesucht. Dabei versuchen Kriminelle an vertrauliche Informationen von … First seen on http: Jump to article: www.crn.de/security/artikel-96990.html
[News] Spear phish uses Windows HLP files to skirt detection
in SecurityNewsResearchers have noted an increase in spear phishing targeting numerous industries, primarily in the United States, where malware evades detection by … First seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/SecurityTube/~3/2X2LokloTW4/866
Businesses Remain Scared of Spear-Phishing as Attackers Study…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/businesses-remain-scared-spear-phishing-attackers-study-behavior-101012
Spear phish uses Windows HLP files to skirt detection: Researchers have noted an increase in spear phishing targ…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/Qrh8r0
Spear phish uses Windows HLP files to skirt detection
in SecurityNewsAn increase in spear phishing, where trojans are hidden inside Windows help files, is assisting attackers in stealing information from a variety of in… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/spear-phish-uses-windows-hlp-files-to-skirt-detection/article/263958/
Top Spear Phishing Email Phrases Revealed
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.org/news/view/21540/Top-Spear-Phishing-Email-Phrases-Revealed.html
White House Confirms Spear-Phishing Attack
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: v5.darkreading.com/insider-threat/167801100/security/attacks-breaches/240008253/white-house-confirms-spear-phishing-attack.html