Tag: military
TIDRONE: The Unseen Cyberespionage Threat Targeting Taiwan’s Military and Satellite Industries
in SecurityNewsA newly identified threat cluster, dubbed TIDRONE, has been actively targeting the Taiwanese military and satellite industries since the beginning of … First seen on securityonline.info Jump to article: securityonline.info/tidrone-the-unseen-cyberespionage-threat-targeting-taiwans-military-and-satellite-industries/
U.S. charges five Russian military members for destructive cyber ops, hackleak campaigns
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on cyberscoop.com Jump to article: cyberscoop.com/u-s-charges-five-russian-military-members-for-destructive-cyber-ops-hack-and-leak-campaigns/
US and Allies Accuse Russian Military of Destructive Cyber-Attacks
in SecurityNewsThe joint government advisory highlighted the cyber activities of Unit 29155, which has launched destructive cyber-attacks against critical infrastruc… First seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/us-allies-russian-military-cyber/
TIDRONE APT targets drone manufacturers in Taiwan
in SecurityNewsA previously undocumented threat actor tracked TIDRONE targets organizations in military and satellite industries in Taiwan. Trend Micro spotted an al… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/168210/apt/tidrone-targets-organizations-taiwan.html
China-Linked Hackers Target Drone Makers
in SecurityNewsA Chinese-speaking threat actor tracked as Tidrone has been targeting military and satellite industries in Taiwan. The post China-Linked Hackers Targe… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/china-linked-hackers-target-drone-makers-in-taiwan/
Hackers Target Taiwan UAV, Military Industries
in SecurityNewsThreat Actor Is Likely a Beijing Cyberespionage Operator. A Chinese-speaking hacking group is targeting drone manufacturers in Taiwan and other milita… First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/hackers-target-taiwan-uav-military-industries-a-26237
Exposed: Russian military Unit 29155 does digital sabotage, espionage
in SecurityNewsThe US Department of Justice has named five Russian computer hackers as members of Unit 29155 i.e., the 161st Specialist Training Center of the Russia… First seen on helpnetsecurity.com Jump to article: www.helpnetsecurity.com/2024/09/06/unit-29155/
Russian military hackers linked to critical infrastructure attacks
in SecurityNewsThe United States and its allies have linked a group of Russian hackers (tracked as Cadet Blizzard and Ember Bear) behind global critical infrastructu… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/us-and-allies-link-russian-military-hackers-behind-critical-infrastructure-attacks-to-gru-unit-29155/
Gamaredon APT Launches Spear-Phishing Campaign Targeting Ukrainian Military
in SecurityNewsA sophisticated spear-phishing campaign orchestrated by the Gamaredon APT group has emerged as a threat to Ukrainian military personnel. Cyble Researc… First seen on thecyberexpress.com Jump to article: thecyberexpress.com/gamaredon-campaign/
Russian GRU Unit Tied to Assassinations Linked to Global Cyber Sabotage and Espionage
A secretive Russian military unit, previously linked to assassinations and destabilization in Europe, is blamed for destructive wiper malware attacks … First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/russian-gru-unit-tied-to-assassinations-linked-to-global-cyber-sabotage-and-espionage/
Huawei und chinesisches Militär: Durchbruch bei Unterwasser-Datenübertragung erreicht
in SecurityNews
Tags: militaryBei der akustischen Unterwasserkommunikation wollen chinesische Forscher einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt haben. Mit dabei war der Technologiekonzern Hu… First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/huawei-und-chinesisches-militaer-durchbruch-bei-unterwasser-datenuebertragung-erreicht-2408-188356.html
Russian Military Hackers Attacking US and Global Critical Infrastructure
in SecurityNewsRussian military hackers, identified as Unit 29155, have been actively targeting critical infrastructure in the United States and globally. This unit,… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/russian-military-hackers-attacking-us/
The Pentagon Is Planning a Drone ‘Hellscape’ to Defend Taiwan
in SecurityNewsThe US Defense Department’s grand strategy for protecting Taiwan from a massive Chinese military offensive involves flooding the zone with thousands o… First seen on wired.com Jump to article: www.wired.com/story/china-taiwan-pentagon-drone-hellscape/
Hackers Use Rare Stealth Techniques to Down Asian Military, Gov’t Orgs
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/application-security/hackers-use-rare-stealth-techniques-to-down-asian-military-govt-orgs
ToddyCat APT Abuses SMB, Exploits IKEEXT A Exchange RCE To Deploy ICMP Backdoor
in SecurityNewsToddyCat is an APT group that has been active since December 2020, and primarily it targets the government and military entities in Europe and Asia. T… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/toddycat-apt-exploits/
Czech Officials Targeted in Sophisticated Malware Campaign Disguised as NATO Documents
in SecurityNewsSeqrite Labs APT-Team has uncovered a sophisticated malware campaign, dubbed >>Operation Oxidový,
Operation Oxidovy, Threat Actors Targeting Government And Military Officials
in SecurityNewsThe recent campaign targeting the Czech Republic involves a malicious ZIP file that contains a decoy LNK file and a batch script. The LNK runs the bat… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/operation-oxidovy-threat-actors/
North Korean cyber APT targeting nuclear secrets
in SecurityNewsMandiant has upgraded the North Korean threat actor known as Andariel to APT status and warned of coordinated efforts to steal western military IP, in… First seen on computerweekly.com Jump to article: www.computerweekly.com/news/366598869/North-Korean-cyber-APT-targeting-nuclear-secrets
The U.S. military’s latest psyop? Advertising on Tinder
in SecurityNews
Tags: militaryFirst seen on techcrunch.com Jump to article: techcrunch.com/2024/08/27/the-u-s-militarys-latest-psyop-advertising-on-tinder/
Iran’s Charming Kitten Targets US Presidential Elections, Israeli Military
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/google-iran-charming-kitten-targets-presidential-elections-israeli-military
UK Hopes Military Satellite Can Boost Space Power
in SecurityNews
Tags: militaryFirst seen on packetstormsecurity.com Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.com/news/view/36227/UK-Hopes-Military-Satellite-Can-Boost-Space-Power.html
Mit Nokia: Swisscom hat landesweites Drohnennetzwerk errichtet
in SecurityNews
Tags: militarySwisscom Broadcast und Nokia haben zusammen ein Schweiz-weites Drohnennetzwerk aufgebaut. Die Dienste bietet man Blaulichtorganisationen, dem Militär … First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/mit-nokia-swisscom-hat-landesweites-drohnennetzwerk-errichtet-2408-187856.html
Ukrainian bank’s service for military donations targeted by ‘massive’ DDoS attack
First seen on therecord.media Jump to article: therecord.media/ukraine-monobank-ddos-attack-donations
North Korean chap charged for attacks on US hospitals, military, NASA and even China
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/07/26/andariel_indictment_north_korea/
South Korean military vehicle data compromised by North Korea
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on scmagazine.com Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/brief/south-korean-military-vehicle-data-compromised-by-north-korea
Protect Data Differently for a Different World
in SecurityNewsAdopting a military mindset toward cybersecurity means the industry moves beyond the current network protection strategies and toward a data-centric s… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/protect-data-differently-for-a-different-world
Europe Is Pumping Billions Into New Military Tech
in SecurityNewsThe European Commission is allocating Euro7.3 billion for defense research over the next seven years. From drones and tanks of the future to battleshi… First seen on wired.com Jump to article: www.wired.com/story/european-commission-military-tech-spending/
North Korean Hacker Indicted: Ransomware on Hospitals Funds Military Espionage
in SecurityNewsA North Korean hacker has been indicted in the U.S. for allegedly using ransomware attacks on American hospitals to finance espionage activities again… First seen on securityonline.info Jump to article: securityonline.info/north-korean-hacker-indicted-ransomware-on-hospitals-funds-military-espionage/
North Korean Hackers Target Critical Infrastructure for Military Gain
in SecurityNewsA joint advisory by the UK, US and South Korea have warned of a global espionage campaign by a North Korea threat actor, Andariel, targeting CNI organ… First seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/north-korean-critical/
North Korean Onyx Sleet Using Group Of Malware And Exploits to Gain Intelligence
in SecurityNewsOnyx Sleet, a cyber espionage group also known as SILENT CHOLLIMA, Andariel, DarkSeoul, Stonefly, and TDrop2, mainly targets the military, defense sec… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/north-korean-onyx-sleet-malware-exploits-intelligence/