Tag: iphone
Comex no longer working at Apple: The famous iPhone hacker ‘Comex’, who engineered ways to hack Apple’s mobile o…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/WY7T7E
[News] Apple parts ways with hacker famous for iPhone jailbreaking
in SecurityNewsApple’s experiment with employing a hacker famous for jailbreaking the iPhone has ended.Nicholas Allegra, also known as Comex, was hired at Apple afte… First seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/SecurityTube/~3/gl6YMUeckfs/877
Apple Fires iPhone Hacker Comex
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.esecurityplanet.com/hackers/apple-fires-iphone-hacker-comex.html
iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III head to head… in a blender: Just when I thought the iPhone 5 versus Samsung Galaxy S…
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/QorjwJ
Foxconn: iPhone 5 Is The Most Difficult Device Weve Ever Assembled: When Apple began selling the iPhone 5 on Se…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/U3Kfaa
Jailbreak von iOS 6 schon erfolgreich
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneDer Tethered Jailbreak redsn0w funktioniert schon unter dem neuen Betriebssystem. Allerdings gilt dies nur für iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS und den iPod Touch… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zdnet.de/88124335/jailbreak-von-ios-6-schon-erfolgreich/
Hessischer Ministerpräsident verliert sein iPhone im Flugzeug
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneDas Reinigungspersonal fand es und übergab es dem Flugbegleiter. Dennoch gilt es derzeit als verschollen. Die Daten – was ein Ministerpräsident so auf… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zdnet.de/88125096/hessischer-ministerprasident-verliert-sein-iphone-im-flugzeug/
Samsung Galaxy S3, Apple iPhone 4S Hacked at Pwn2Own
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.esecurityplanet.com/mobile-security/samsung-galaxy-s3-apple-iphone-4s-hacked-at-pwn2own.html
Websense Warns of Malicious iPhone 5 Delivery E-mails
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.esecurityplanet.com/malware/websense-warns-of-malicious-iphone-5-delivery-e-mails.html
Apple says iPhone 5 purple camera halo is totally normal: Apple has told at least one customer that any purple h…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/Qktx1Q
Researchers Demonstrate Flaws In iPhone 4, 5 In Hacking Contest
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: v5.darkreading.com/vulnerability-management/167901026/security/news/240007901/researchers-demonstrate-flaws-in-iphone-4-5-in-hacking-contest.html
[News] British Malware Can Take Over IPhones
Spyware developed by a U.K. group can take control of a number of mobile devices, including iPhones and BlackBerrys, turning on microphones and camera… First seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/SecurityTube/~3/v2ucT53q2G4/566
Researcher Finds iPhone Bug Allows SMS Spoofing
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneFirst seen on http: Jump to article: threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/researcher-finds-iphone-bug-allows-sms-spoofing-081712
Phishing emails targeting BlackBerry, iPhone users
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/phishing-emails-targeting-blackberry-iphone-users/article/256051/
Bitdefender-App >>Clueful<< kehrt als Webanwendung aufs iPhone zurück
in SecurityNewsApple hatte das Analyse-Tool Mitte Juli aus seinem App Store entfernt. Es prüft den Umgang von Applikationen mit privaten Daten und zeigt etwa die Zug… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zdnet.de/88120598/bitdefender-app-clueful-kehrt-als-webanwendung-aufs-iphone-zuruck/
Video: Was ein iPhone wirklich kostet…
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adJTu
Mehr Tempo: Facebook bekommt echte iPhone-App…
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adJLk
Websense Triton Mobile Security für iOS
in SecurityNews– Websense erweitert das Produktportfolio für Internet- und Datensicherheit um den Service Triton Mobile Security für iOS. Der Dienst soll iPhone- und… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.SearchSecurity.de/themenbereiche/plattformsicherheit/mobilesecurity/articles/375497/
iPhone SMS Bug Could Pose Serious Threat
in SecurityNewsSecurity on the iPhone is heavily dependent on Apple’s ability to vet all third-party apps before users download them. But a French hacker claims he h… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.computerworld.in/news/iphone-sms-bug-could-pose-serious-threat-24082012
Apps iPhone
in SecurityNewsWeil die AGB von iTunes und Google Play verschiedene Klauseln zum Nachteil der Kunden enthalten, geht die Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband gerichtlic… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zeit.de/digital/mobil/2012-08/apple-google-app-store-agb-verklagt
Ecran d’un Iphone connecte sur un compte Tweeter (Twitter) *** FRANCE OUT ***
in SecurityNews
Tags: iphoneFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.zeit.de/digital/internet/2012-08/twitter-follower-facebook-fans-gekauft
in SecurityNewsMit dem iPhone hat Apple den Smartphone-Markt revolutioniert. Das Special bietet Testberichte aller iPhone-Generationen sowie Nachrichten und Praxis-T… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zdnet.de/themen/iphone/
Heise: Code-Sperre beim iPhone offenbar nutzlos
in SecurityNewsCode-Sperren von iPhones und iPads lassen sich mit im Internet frei verfügbaren Tools offenbar ganz einfach aushebeln. Bei einem Verlust des Gerätes … First seen on http: Jump to article: www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/iPhone-Sperre-nahezu-nutzlos-1270786.html
1,4 Millionen Twitter-User jagen iPhone-Dieb
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Tags: iphoneFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.pcwelt.de/news/Kurios-1-4-Millionen-Twitter-User-jagen-iPhone-Dieb-6182266.html