Tag: iot
TheMoon Botnet Resurfaces, Exploiting EoL Devices to Power Criminal Proxy
A botnet previously considered to be rendered inert has been observed enslaving end-of-life (EoL) small home/small office (SOHO) routers and IoT devic… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/03/themoon-botnet-resurfaces-exploiting.html
IoT Botnets and Infostealers Frequently Target Retail Sector
New research by Netskope Threat Labs has revealed that IoT botnets, remote access tools and infostealers were the key malware families deployed by att… First seen on itsecurityguru.org Jump to article: www.itsecurityguru.org/2024/04/03/iot-botnets-and-infostealers-frequently-target-retail-sector/
Impact of IoT Security for 5G Technology
in SecurityNews5G technology impacts not just our daily lifestyle but the Internet of Things (IoT) as well. The world of 5G is not only transformed by hyper-connecti… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/04/impact-of-iot-security-for-5g-technology/
Expert Insights on IoT Security Challenges in 2024
in SecurityNewsAdvancements in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are paving the way for a smarter, more interconnected future. They’re taking down communication … First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/04/expert-insights-on-iot-security-challenges-in-2024/
Why the FCC’s cybersecurity labeling program benefits IoT systems
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on scmagazine.com Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/perspective/how-the-fccs-cybersecurity-labeling-program-benefits-iot-systems
Live Forensic Techniques To Detect Ransomware Infection On Linux Machines
in SecurityNewsRansomware, initially a Windows threat, now targets Linux systems, endangering IoT ecosystems. Linux ransomware employs diverse encryption methods, ev… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/linux-ransomware-detection-live-forensics/
Neue Spezifikation vorgestellt: CSA führt Prüfsiegel für sichere IoT-Geräte ein
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotIoT-Geräte sind häufig schlecht geschützt und werden für kriminelle Aktivitäten missbraucht. Eine neue Spezifikation der CSA soll das Sicherheitsnivea… First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/neue-spezifikation-vorgestellt-csa-fuehrt-pruefsiegel-fuer-sichere-iot-geraete-ein-2403-183345.html
Connectivity Standards Alliance Meets Device Security Challenges With a Unified Standard and Certification
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotThe new IoT Device Security Specification 1.0, with accompanying certification, aims to offer a unified industry standard and increase consumer awaren… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/connectivity-standards-alliance-meets-device-security-challenges-with-a-unified-standard-and-certification
TheMoon malware infects 6,000 ASUS routers in 72 hours for proxy service
A new variant of TheMoon malware botnet has been spotted infecting thousands of outdated small office and home office (SOHO) routers and IoT devices i… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/themoon-malware-infects-6-000-asus-routers-in-72-hours-for-proxy-service/
TheMoon bot infected 40,000 devices in January and February
in SecurityNewsA new variant of TheMoon malware infected thousands of outdated small office and home office (SOHO) routers and IoT devices worldwide. The Black Lotus… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/161091/malware/themoon-malware-targets-soho.html
Researchers Discover 40,000-Strong EOL Router, IoT Botnet
in SecurityNewsMalware hunters sound an alarm after discovering a 40,000-strong botnet packed with end-of-life routers and IoT devices being used in cybercriminal ac… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/researchers-discover-40000-strong-eol-router-iot-botnet/
The Widening Career Opportunities for New College Graduates
in SecurityNewsNew Grads Can Analyze IoT Data, Bring Talent and Innovative Thinking to Workplace</b><br />The conventional trajectory for tech graduates … First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/blogs/widening-career-opportunities-for-new-college-graduates-p-3589
Unsafelok Threat Highlights It’s About Both IoT Devices and Applications
in SecurityNewsIoT devices and applications exist all over the place, and in high volume. Today’s news brought yet another example of how the scale of IoT systems l… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/03/unsafelok-threat-highlights-its-about-both-iot-devices-and-applications/
New AcidPour data wiper targets Linux x86 network devices
A new destructive malware named AcidPour was spotted in the wild, featuring data-wiper functionality and targeting Linux x86 IoT and networking device… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-acidpour-data-wiper-targets-linux-x86-network-devices/
FCC Agrees to Cyber Trust Mark for IoT Products
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/fcc-cyber-trust-mark-iot/
IoT Live Patching Techniques: Securing a Future without Disruption
in SecurityNewsLive patching techniques for IoT devices have evolved significantly, driven by the need to enhance security and minimize operational disruptions. Auto… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/03/iot-live-patching-techniques-securing-a-future-without-disruption/
FCC Approves Voluntary Cyber Trust Labels for Consumer IoT Products
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/ics-ot-security/fcc-approves-voluntary-cyber-trust-labels-iot-products
Emerging Trends in Embedded Linux IoT Security
in SecurityNewsMitigating potential vulnerabilities requires proactive measures due to the complexity of embedded Linux IoT devices The use of containerization and v… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/03/emerging-trends-in-embedded-linux-iot-security/
Cyberkriminelle verfügen über immer größeres Know-how – Netzwerkanomalien und Angriffe bedrohen OT- und IoT-Umgebungen
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/netzwerkanomalien-und-angriffe-bedrohen-ot-und-iot-umgebungen-a-4ffdbca3af278a448f056d06535d2bb4/
Survey on 2024 IoT Security Crisis
in SecurityNewsSurveys play an important role in setting strategy and choosing how to address a difficult situation. Organizations today are urgently in need of add… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/02/survey-on-2024-iot-security-crisis/
Half of IT Leaders Identify IoT as Security Weak Point
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotFirst seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/half-leaders-identify-iot-security/
Wenn Ransomware auf IoT trifft: Warum IoT-Geräte einen anderen Sicherheitsansatz brauchen
in SecurityNewsCybersicherheit in der IoT-Welt wird noch lange ein Thema bleiben, mit immer neuen Innovationen auf beiden Seiten. Grundlegende Sicherheitslösungen zu… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/wenn-ransomware-auf-iot-trifft-warum-iot-geraete-einen-anderen-sicherheitsansatz-brauchen/a31930/
BlackBerry gibt Tipps für mehr IT-Sicherheit im digitalen Klassenzimmer
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotBlackBerry, ein führender Anbieter von Sicherheitssoftware und -dienstleistungen für das IoT, gibt Tipps, wie Bildungseinrichtungen und Lehrkräfte sow… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/blackberry-gibt-tipps-fuer-mehr-it-sicherheit-im-digitalen-klassenzimmer/a31949/
Nozomi Networks gewinnt neun neue Partner und erweitert sein MSSP-Programm
in SecurityNewsDas im August 2021 gestartete MSSP-Partnerprogramm von Nozomi Networks ist das branchenweit erste vollständige Programm für OT- und IoT-Managed-Securi… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/nozomi-networks-gewinnt-neun-neue-partner-und-erweitert-sein-mssp-programm/a31966/
IoT-Geräte und Cybersecurity: Warum smart nicht gleich sicher ist
in SecurityNewsIn einem durchschnittlichen Unternehmen gibt es Hunderte oder sogar Tausende IoT-Geräte: Von smarten Druckern bis hin zu vernetzter Infrastruktur. Auc… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/iot-geraete-und-cybersecurity-warum-smart-nicht-gleich-sicher-ist/a32475/
IoT-Sicherheitskameras sind ein gefundenes Fressen für Hacker
in SecurityNewsDie Implementierung sollte darüber hinaus streng geplant werden, einschließlich der laufenden Überwachung, der Erkennung von Anomalien und der Formuli… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/iot-sicherheitskameras-sind-ein-gefundenes-fressen-fuer-hacker/a32414/
SASE und Zero Trust als Schlüssel für eine sichere IoT-Umgebung
in SecurityNewsLaut 2022 Manufacturing Industry Outlook von Deloitte erwarten etwa 45 Prozent der Führungskräfte in der Fertigungsindustrie eine Steigerung der betri… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/sase-und-zero-trust-als-schluessel-fuer-eine-sichere-iot-umgebung/a32511/
Keyfactor präsentiert neuen Workflow-Builder und direkte EJBCA-Integration
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotKeyfactor ist die Maschinen- und IoT-Identitätsplattform für moderne Unternehmen. Keyfactor unterstützt die Sicherheitsteams bei der Verwaltung von Kr… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/keyfactor-praesentiert-neuen-workflow-builder-und-direkte-ejbca-integration/a32745/
Mit Keyfactor Signum können Entwickler ihre Software sicher signieren
in SecurityNewsKeyfactor Signum ist eine SaaS-Lösung, die von Keyfactor in der Cloud gehostet und verwaltet wird. Keyfactor ist die Maschinen- und IoT-Identitätsplat… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/mit-keyfactor-signum-koennen-entwickler-ihre-software-sicher-signieren/a32876/
Check Point gibt Tipps zur Absicherung von internetfähigen Geräten
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotDie Notwendigkeit für IoT-Hersteller, sich auf den Schutz intelligenter Geräte vor Angriffen zu konzentrieren hat an Bedeutung gewonnen. Sie treffen b… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/check-point-gibt-tipps-zur-absicherung-von-internetfaehigen-geraeten/a33081/