Tag: iot
BlackBerry Highlights Rising Software Supply Chain Risks in Malaysia
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, attack, breach, ceo, ciso, communications, compliance, cyber, cyberattack, cybersecurity, data, detection, espionage, finance, framework, government, infrastructure, intelligence, international, Internet, iot, malware, mobile, monitoring, phishing, ransomware, regulation, resilience, risk, skills, software, strategy, supply-chain, threat, tool, training, vulnerabilityIn 2024, BlackBerry unveiled new proprietary research, underscoring the vulnerability of software supply chains in Malaysia and around the world.According to the study, 79% of Malaysian organizations reported cyberattacks or vulnerabilities in their software supply chains during the past 12 months, slightly exceeding the global average of 76%. Alarmingly, 81% of respondents revealed they had…
Cyberbedrohung: Check Point deckt Schwachstellen bei Wärmepumpen auf
in SecurityNewsHersteller wie auch Betreiber sollten von Anfang an proaktiv handeln, um die Sicherheit von IoT-Devices wie Wärmepumpen zu gewährleisten. Dies erforde… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/cyberbedrohung-check-point-deckt-schwachstellen-bei-waermepumpen-auf/a36874/
IoT Security im Rampenlicht: Der Weg für effektiven Schutz von IoT-Geräten
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotDie Sicherheit von IoT-Geräten ist eine komplexe Herausforderung, die ein umfassendes Verständnis, strategische Planung und die Umsetzung effektiver S… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/iot-security-im-rampenlicht-der-weg-fuer-effektiven-schutz-von-iot-geraeten/a36863/
Forescout stellt neue SaaS-Lösung für OT Security vor
in SecurityNewsDie Angriffsfläche durch vernetzte Assets, einschließlich nicht verwalteter OT- und IoT-Geräte, wächst so schnell, dass die Sicherheitsteams mit dem S… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/forescout-stellt-neue-saas-loesung-fuer-ot-security-vor/a38509/
Wer hat Mozi getötet? IoT-Zombie-Botnetz wurde endlich zu Grabe tragen
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on welivesecurity.com Jump to article: www.welivesecurity.com/de/eset-research/wer-hat-mozi-getotet-iot-zombie-botnetz-wurde-endlich-zu-grabe-tragen/
Black Hat Europe 2023: Sollten wir KI regulieren?
in SecurityNewsürde wahrscheinlich sagen: Definitiv nicht!, aber werden wir aus der überstürzten Regulierung des IoT in der Vergangenheit irgendwelche Lehren ziehen?… First seen on welivesecurity.com Jump to article: www.welivesecurity.com/de/we-live-progress/black-hat-europe-2023-sollten-wir-ki-regulieren/
Alte IoT-Geräte: Der Feind in meinem Smart Home
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotFirst seen on welivesecurity.com Jump to article: www.welivesecurity.com/de/tipps-ratgeber/alte-iot-gerate-der-feind-in-meinem-smart-home/
US-Regierung plant Einführung eines neuen Siegels für sichere IoT-Geräte
in SecurityNewsGeräte des Internet of Things (IoT) sind ein beliebtes Einfallstor für Cyberangriffe. Die US-Regierung plant daher die Einführung eines neuen Siegels,… First seen on 8com.de Jump to article: www.8com.de/cyber-security-blog/us-regierung-plant-einfuhrung-eines-neuen-siegels-fur-sichere-iot-gerate
Rückkehr der TheMoon-Malware: 6000 Router in 72 Stunden gehackt
in SecurityNewsEine neue Variante der TheMoon-Malware treibt ihr Unwesen und greift gezielt verwundbare IoT-Geräte an. Besonders betroffen sind Router des Hersteller… First seen on 8com.de Jump to article: www.8com.de/cyber-security-blog/ruckkehr-der-themoon-malware-6000-router-in-72-stunden-gehackt
Neues eBook ‘OT- und IoT-Bedrohungen Industrie im Cybercrime-Fokus” – Industrielle Cybersicherheit gegen die Cybercrime-Industrie
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/cybersicherheit-industrie-4-0-schutz-ot-iiot-a-958368f89c5663c0f5cc20142d6efa5c/
35 Million Devices Vulnerable: Matrix DDoS Campaign Highlights Growing IoT Threat
in SecurityNewsAqua Nautilus researchers have uncovered a major Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) campaign led by a threat actor operating under the name Matrix. This operation, detected through honeypot activities, showcases a concerning... First seen on securityonline.info Jump to article: securityonline.info/35-million-devices-vulnerable-matrix-ddos-campaign-highlights-growing-iot-threat/
When Hackers Meet Tractors: Surprising Roles in IoT Security
in SecurityNewsHow to Find a Career in Industrial IoT – on the Factory Floor or in the Cornfield Cybersecurity once conjured images of IT departments, server rooms and corporate firewalls. Today, it extends far beyond these traditional domains, becoming essential in fields like manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, transportation, robotics and space exploration. First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump…
Script Kiddie ‘Matrix’ Builds Massive Botnet
in SecurityNewsLikely Russian Hacker Exploits IoT Vulnerabilities, Many Known for Years. An apparent Russian script kiddie is converting widespread security gaps into powerful botnets capable of launching global-scale distributed denial-of-service attacks. A threat actor with the online moniker Matrix is exploiting IoT vulnerabilities such as default credentials and outdated software. First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to…
Russian Script Kiddie Assembles Massive DDoS Botnet
Over the past year, Matrix has used publicly available malware tools and exploit scripts to target weakly secured IoT devices, and enterprise servers. First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/russian-script-kiddie-assembles-massive-ddos-botnet
Matrix Botnet Exploits IoT Devices in Widespread DDoS Botnet Campaign
in SecurityNewsA threat actor named Matrix has been linked to a widespread distributed denial-of-service (DoD) campaign that leverages vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in Internet of Things (IoT) devices to co-opt them into a disruptive botnet.”This operation serves as a comprehensive one-stop shop for scanning, exploiting vulnerabilities, deploying malware, and setting up shop kits, showcasing a First seen…
‘Matrix’ Hackers Deploy Massive New IoT Botnet for DDoS Attacks
Aqua Nautilus researchers have discovered a campaign powering a series of large-scale DDoS attacks launched by Matrix, which… First seen on hackread.com Jump to article: hackread.com/matrix-hackers-new-iot-botnet-ddos-attacks/
New DDoS Campaign Exploits IoT Devices and Server Misconfigurations
in SecurityNewsDDoS campaign by Matrix targets IoT devices and servers, exploiting weak credentials and public scripts First seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/ddos-campaign-exploits-iot-devices/
Zscaler beleuchtet Trends, Risiken und Zero-Trust-Defense-Strategien für Mobile, IoT- und OT-Cybersecurity
in SecurityNewsZscaler veröffentlicht seinen jährlichen mit dem Überblick über die mobile und IoT-/OT-Cyberbedrohungslandschaft von Juni 2023 bis Mai 2024. Die Ergebnisse des Reports unterstreichen die Dringlichkeit für Organisationen, die Sicherheit von mobilen Geräten, IoT- und OT-Systemen neu zu bewerten. ThreatLabz identifizierte mehr als 200 bösartige Apps im […] First seen on netzpalaver.de Jump to article: netzpalaver.de/2024/11/26/zscaler-beleuchtet-trends-risiken-und-zero-trust-defense-strategien-fuer-mobile-iot-und-ot-cybersecurity/
9 VPN alternatives for securing remote network access
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, api, attack, authentication, automation, best-practice, business, cloud, compliance, computer, computing, control, corporate, credentials, cve, cybercrime, cybersecurity, data, defense, detection, dns, encryption, endpoint, exploit, firewall, fortinet, group, guide, Hardware, iam, identity, infrastructure, Internet, iot, least-privilege, login, malicious, malware, mfa, microsoft, monitoring, network, office, password, ransomware, risk, router, saas, service, software, strategy, switch, threat, tool, update, vpn, vulnerability, vulnerability-management, waf, zero-trustOnce the staple for securing employees working remotely, VPNs were designed to provide secure access to corporate data and systems for a small percentage of a workforce while the majority worked within traditional office confines. The move to mass remote working brought about by COVID-19 in early 2020 changed things dramatically. Since then, large numbers…
IoT Device Traffic Up 18% as Malware Attacks Surge 400%
in SecurityNewsZscaler’s latest report finds 54.5% of IoT attacks target manufacturing, with the industry suffering more than three times the weekly attacks of other sectors First seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/iot-device-traffic-malware-attacks/
NIST IoT Device Security Framework to Get an Update
in SecurityNewsRevised Framework to Address Emerging IoT Risks and Technologies. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology plans to revise its Internet of Things cybersecurity framework to address evolving risks posed by emerging technologies and use cases, such as AI and immersive tech. The proposed updates will broaden the focus to entire product ecosystems. First…
‘Water Barghest’ Sells Hijacked IoT Devices for Proxy Botnet Misuse
in SecurityNews
Tags: botnet, cyber, cybercrime, espionage, group, iot, marketplace, router, vulnerability, zero-dayAn elusive, sophisticated cybercriminal group has used known and zero-day vulnerabilities to compromise more than 20,000 SOHO routers and other IoT devices so far, and then puts them up for sale on a residential proxy marketplace for state-sponsored cyber-espionage actors and others to use. First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/water-barghest-sells-hijacked-iot-devices-proxy-botnet-misuse
Water Barghest Botnet Comprised 20,000+ IoT Devices By Exploiting Vulnerabilities
in SecurityNewsWater Barghest, a sophisticated botnet, exploits vulnerabilities in IoT devices to enlist them in a residential proxy marketplace by leveraging automated scripts to identify vulnerable devices from public databases like Shodan. When the device is compromised, the Ngioweb malware is installed in a stealthy manner, thereby establishing a connection to command-and-control servers. The infected device…
Eingebettete IoT-Geräte werden automatisch erkannt und segmentiert – Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise stärkt die Cybersicherheit mit OmniFabric
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/effiziente-sichere-netzwerke-mit-omnifabric-alcatel-lucent-a-9f3fabe55c632adb966e6884b7a3d2a6/
DEF CON 32 Bricked Abandoned: How To Keep IoT From Becoming An IoTrash
in SecurityNewsAuthors/Presenters: Paul Roberts, Chris Wysopal, Cory Doctorow, Tarah Wheeler, Dennis Giese Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; and via the organizations YouTube channel. Permalink First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/11/def-con-32-bricked-abandoned-how-to-keep-iot-from-becoming-an-iotrash/
Thousands Of IoT Devices Turned Into Residential Proxies
in SecurityNews
Tags: iotFirst seen on packetstormsecurity.com Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.com/news/view/36610/Thousands-Of-IoT-Devices-Turned-Into-Residential-Proxies.html
Threat Actor Turns Thousands of IoT Devices Into Residential Proxies
in SecurityNewsA threat actor tracked as Water Barghest has compromised over 20,000 IoT devices and monetizes them as residential proxies. The post Threat Actor Turns Thousands of IoT Devices Into Residential Proxies appeared first on SecurityWeek. First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/threat-actor-turns-thousands-of-iot-devices-into-residential-proxies/
Ngioweb Botnet Fuels NSOCKS Residential Proxy Network Exploiting IoT Devices
The malware known as Ngioweb has been used to fuel a notorious residential proxy service called NSOCKS, as well as by other services such as VN5Socks and Shopsocks5, new findings from Lumen Technologies reveal.”At least 80% of NSOCKS bots in our telemetry originate from the Ngioweb botnet, mainly utilizing small office/home office (SOHO) routers and…
Schwachstellen in der IoT-Cloudplattform <>
in SecurityNewsDie Sicherheitsforscher von Team82, der Forschungsabteilung des Spezialisten für die Sicherheit von cyberphysischen Systemen (CPS) Claroty, haben insgesamt zehn Schwachstellen in der OvrC-Cloudplattform entdeckt. Dadurch war es Angreifern möglich, auf Geräte wie Kameras, Router oder Smart-Home-Devices zuzugreifen, sie zu kontrollieren und zu stören. Die Schwachstellen wurden dem Hersteller Snapone gemeldet, der sie mittlerweile behoben hat.…
Suspected Russian Hackers Infect 20,000 IoT Devices
Water Barghest Group Lists Infected Devices Within 10 Minutes of Initial Compromise. A threat actor with suspected ties to Russian nation-state hackers has listed thousands of IoT devices as proxy networks within minutes of their initial compromise. A campaign that began in 2020 has so far infected 20,000 IoT devices, according to a new report…