Tag: Internet
So war der ‘Tatort – Wer sich im Internet verliert, kommt im wirklichen Leben um
in SecurityNews
Tags: InternetZwei tote Männer liegen im kalten Ludwigshafen. Eine Rächerin mit Wollmütze geht um. Mädchen werden von fiesen Kerlen im Netz verführt. ‘Avatar ist ei… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/kultur/article249336332/Tatort-Ludwigshafen-Wer-sich-im-Internet-verliert-kommt-im-wirklichen-Leben-um.html
Amazon und Ebay betroffen – Neuer Dreiecksbetrug auf Online-Plattformen
in SecurityNews
Tags: InternetDie Internet-Kriminellen bieten über Fake-Shops günstige Waren an, die sie dann über tatsächliche Versandhäuser verschicken lassen bis der Käufer den… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/regionales/hamburg/article249902992/Betrug-auf-Kleinanzeigen-Amazon-Neuer-Dreiecksbetrug-auf-Online-Plattformen.html
Safer Internet Day – ‘Kriminelle bedienen sich an Informationen, die es öffentlich zu finden gibt
in SecurityNews
Tags: InternetAlles rund um sicheres Internet steht im Fokus des ‘Safer Internet Day. So müssen vor allem Kinder im digitalen Raum geschützt werden. Worauf Sie onli… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/vermischtes/video249938860/Safer-Internet-Day-Kriminelle-bedienen-sich-an-Informationen-die-es-oeffentlich-zu-finden-gibt.html
Safer Internet Day – ‘Rechenkraft eines Smartphones war früher nur Unternehmen und Unis vorbehalten
in SecurityNews
Tags: InternetSicher und kompetent mit dem Internet umgehen: Diese Fähigkeit wollen Eltern und Lehrkräfte jungen Menschen vermitteln. Zum Safer Internet Day machen … First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/wirtschaft/video249952814/Safer-Internet-Day-Rechenkraft-eines-Smartphones-war-frueher-nur-Unternehmen-und-Unis-vorbehalten.html
Internet-Kriminalität – Jeder Zehnte in Deutschland wurde Opfer von Identitätsdiebstahl
in SecurityNewsKriminalität im Internet ist ein weitverbreitetes Phänomen. Allein elf Prozent der Erwachsenen in Deutschland wurden laut einer repräsentativen Umfrag… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/vermischtes/kriminalitaet/article250764948/Internet-Kriminalitaet-Jeder-Zehnte-in-Deutschland-wurde-Opfer-von-Identitaetsdiebstahl.html
Identitätsdiebstahl – Mit diesen sieben Tipps schützen Sie Ihre Daten besser vor Kriminellen
in SecurityNews
Tags: InternetKriminelle greifen im Internet immer wieder persönliche Daten ab, um auf fremde Kosten Waren zu bestellen oder teure Abos abzuschließen. Der Schaden k… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/wirtschaft/webwelt/article250930890/Internet-Mit-diesen-sieben-Tipps-schuetzen-Sie-sich-vor-Identitaetsdiebstahl.html
Internet im Urlaub – Risiko öffentliches WLAN Mit diesen VPN-Diensten surfen Sie sicherer
in SecurityNewsWer im Internet surft, gibt viel von sich preis vor allem, wenn man ein öffentliches WLAN auf Reisen nutzt. Kriminelle können das ausnutzen. VPN-Diens… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/wirtschaft/webwelt/article251548370/VPN-Anbieter-Mit-diesen-Diensten-surfen-Sie-im-Urlaub-sicherer.html
Internet-Angriffe – Ihr EKonto wurde gehackt? Diese drei Dinge sollten Sie sofort tun
in SecurityNewsDie Anmeldung beim Mail-Portal oder Streamingdienst funktioniert plötzlich nicht mehr? Möglicherweise wurde dann Ihr E-Mail-Konto gehackt. Nutzer soll… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/wirtschaft/webwelt/article251666472/Ihr-E-Mail-Konto-wurde-gehackt-Diese-drei-Dinge-sollten-Sie-sofort-tun.html
Cyberversicherungen Betrug bis Virenangriff Wann eine Extra-Versicherung wirklich sinnvoll ist
in SecurityNewsViele sind bereits in irgendeiner Form Opfer von Internet-Betrug geworden. Cyberversicherungen versprechen hier besonderen Schutz. Die konkreten Bedin… First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/finanzen/plus253405214/Internet-Betrug-bis-Virenangriff-Wann-eine-Extra-Versicherung-wirklich-sinnvoll-ist.html
External Attack Surface Management (EASM): Mit diesen vier Schritten minimieren Sie das Cyberrisiko
in SecurityNewsDamit über das Internet erreichbare Assets nicht zum Einfallstor für Angreifer werden, sollten IT-Security-Verantwortliche folgende Schritte beherzige… First seen on csoonline.com Jump to article: www.csoonline.com/de/a/mit-diesen-vier-schritten-minimieren-sie-das-cyberrisiko
Brits are scrolling away from X and aren’t that interested in AI
in SecurityNewsOfcom’s Online Nation report drills into the UK’s internet habits for 2024 First seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/11/29/ofcom_online_nation/
New Phishing Attack Targeting Corporate Internet Banking Users
in SecurityNewsA sophisticated phishing scam has surfaced in Japan, targeting corporate internet banking users. This attack, which has rapidly gained attention nationwide, involves fraudsters impersonating bank representatives to deceive victims into providing sensitive banking information. The attack begins with a phone call from individuals pretending to be bank officials. These imposters inform unsuspecting victims that their…
French ISP Free confirms data breach after hacker puts customer data up for auction
in SecurityNewsOne of the largest internet providers in France, Free S.A.S, has confirmed that it recently suffered a cybersecurity breach after a hacker attempted t… First seen on bitdefender.com Jump to article: www.bitdefender.com/en-us/blog/hotforsecurity/french-isp-free-confirms-data-breach-after-hacker-puts-customer-data-up-for-auction/
T-Mobile says telco hackers had ‘no access’ to customer call and text message logs
The phone giant said hackers did not access the contents or logs of customer phone calls or text messages, during an industry-wide attack on phone and internet companies. First seen on techcrunch.com Jump to article: techcrunch.com/2024/11/27/t-mobile-says-telco-hackers-had-no-access-to-customer-call-and-text-message-logs/
T-Mobile Says Sensitive Customer Data Wasn’t Impacted In China-Linked Attack
in SecurityNewsT-Mobile CISO Jeff Simon said a post Wednesday that ‘our defenses protected our sensitive customer information,’ in the wake of reports about a major hacking operation by a China-linked threat actor targeting internet service providers. First seen on crn.com Jump to article: www.crn.com/news/security/2024/t-mobile-says-sensitive-customer-data-wasn-t-impacted-in-china-linked-attack
Cloudflare says it lost 55% of logs pushed to customers for 3.5 hours
in SecurityNewsInternet security giant Cloudflare announced that it lost 55% of all logs pushed to customers over a 3.5-hour period due to a bug in the log collection service on November 14, 2024. First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cloudflare-says-it-lost-55-percent-of-logs-pushed-to-customers-for-35-hours/
A US soldier is suspected of being behind the massive Snowflake data leak
in SecurityNewsOne of the hackers who masterminded the Snowflake credential leak that led to the threat actors stealing data from and extorting at least 165 companies, including 560 million Ticketmaster and 110 AT&T customers, could be a US soldier, according to cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs.The hacker, known for using the moniker Kiberphant0m, carried out online chats…
Protecting Web-Based Work: Connecting People, Web Browsers and Security
in SecurityNewsWith web browsers being the primary gateway to the internet, any security lapse can lead to broad opportunities for significant data breaches and operational disruptions. First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/11/protecting-web-based-work-connecting-people-web-browsers-and-security/
Cybersecurity’s oversimplification problem: Seeing AI as a replacement for human agency
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, awareness, business, ciso, computer, cyber, cybersecurity, data, election, infrastructure, intelligence, Internet, jobs, technology, threat, tool, trainingThere’s a philosophical concept called the Great Man Theory that suggests history is all about how significant individuals act as centers of gravity for society as a whole, think Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Elizabeth I, or the founding fathers of the American Revolution.Recent research suggests that cybersecurity and related professions are developing a…
Matrix Botnet Exploits IoT Devices in Widespread DDoS Botnet Campaign
in SecurityNewsA threat actor named Matrix has been linked to a widespread distributed denial-of-service (DoD) campaign that leverages vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in Internet of Things (IoT) devices to co-opt them into a disruptive botnet.”This operation serves as a comprehensive one-stop shop for scanning, exploiting vulnerabilities, deploying malware, and setting up shop kits, showcasing a First seen…
9 VPN alternatives for securing remote network access
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, api, attack, authentication, automation, best-practice, business, cloud, compliance, computer, computing, control, corporate, credentials, cve, cybercrime, cybersecurity, data, defense, detection, dns, encryption, endpoint, exploit, firewall, fortinet, group, guide, Hardware, iam, identity, infrastructure, Internet, iot, least-privilege, login, malicious, malware, mfa, microsoft, monitoring, network, office, password, ransomware, risk, router, saas, service, software, strategy, switch, threat, tool, update, vpn, vulnerability, vulnerability-management, waf, zero-trustOnce the staple for securing employees working remotely, VPNs were designed to provide secure access to corporate data and systems for a small percentage of a workforce while the majority worked within traditional office confines. The move to mass remote working brought about by COVID-19 in early 2020 changed things dramatically. Since then, large numbers…
17 hottest IT security certs for higher pay today
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, attack, automation, blockchain, business, ceo, cisa, ciso, cloud, communications, conference, container, control, credentials, cryptography, cyber, cybersecurity, data, defense, detection, encryption, exploit, finance, fortinet, google, governance, group, guide, hacker, incident response, infosec, infrastructure, intelligence, Internet, jobs, monitoring, network, penetration-testing, privacy, reverse-engineering, risk, risk-management, skills, software, technology, threat, tool, training, windowsWith the New Year on the horizon, many IT professionals may be looking to improve their careers in 2025 but need direction on the best way. The latest data from Foote Partners may provide helpful signposts.Analyzing more than 638 certifications as part of its 3Q 2024 “IT Skills Demand and Pay Trends Report,” Foote Partners…
FBI pierces ‘anonymity’ of cryptocurrency, secret domain registrars in Scattered Spider probe
in SecurityNewsThe US Justice Department on Wednesday announced the arrest of five suspected members of the notorious Scattered Spider phishing crew, but the most interesting part of the case was a US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document detailing how easily the feds were able to track the phishers’ movements and activities. In recent years, services that push…
Walking the Walk: How Tenable Embraces Its >>Secure by Design<< Pledge to CISA
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, application-security, attack, authentication, best-practice, business, cisa, cloud, conference, container, control, credentials, cve, cvss, cyber, cybersecurity, data, data-breach, defense, exploit, Hardware, identity, infrastructure, injection, Internet, leak, lessons-learned, mfa, open-source, passkey, password, phishing, risk, saas, service, siem, software, sql, strategy, supply-chain, theft, threat, tool, update, vulnerability, vulnerability-managementAs a cybersecurity leader, Tenable was proud to be one of the original signatories of CISA’s “Secure by Design” pledge earlier this year. Our embrace of this pledge underscores our commitment to security-first principles and reaffirms our dedication to shipping robust, secure products that our users can trust. Read on to learn how we’re standing…
Security Analysis of the MERGE Voting Protocol
in SecurityNewsInteresting analysis: An Internet Voting System Fatally Flawed in Creative New Ways. Abstract: The recently published “MERGE” protocol is designed to be used in the prototype CAC-vote system. The voting kiosk and protocol transmit votes over the internet and then transmit voter-verifiable paper ballots through the mail. In the MERGE protocol, the votes transmitted over…
Imagine a land in which Big Tech can’t send you down online rabbit holes or use algorithms to overcharge you
in SecurityNewsChina is trying to become that land, with a government crackdown on the things that make the internet no fun First seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/11/25/china_algorithm_transparency/
DEF CON 32 The XZ Backdoor Story: The Undercover Op That Set the Internet on Fire
in SecurityNewsAuthors/Presenters: # Thomas Roccia Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; and via the organizations YouTube channel. Permalink First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/11/def-con-32-the-xz-backdoor-story-the-undercover-op-that-set-the-internet-on-fire/
NIST IoT Device Security Framework to Get an Update
in SecurityNewsRevised Framework to Address Emerging IoT Risks and Technologies. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology plans to revise its Internet of Things cybersecurity framework to address evolving risks posed by emerging technologies and use cases, such as AI and immersive tech. The proposed updates will broaden the focus to entire product ecosystems. First…
Cybersecurity Snapshot: Prompt Injection and Data Disclosure Top OWASP’s List of Cyber Risks for GenAI LLM Apps
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, advisory, ai, application-security, attack, backup, best-practice, breach, cisa, cloud, computer, cve, cyber, cyberattack, cybercrime, cybersecurity, data, exploit, extortion, firewall, framework, governance, government, group, guide, Hardware, incident, incident response, infrastructure, injection, intelligence, Internet, LLM, malicious, microsoft, mitigation, mitre, monitoring, network, nist, office, open-source, powershell, privacy, ransomware, regulation, risk, risk-management, russia, service, skills, software, sql, strategy, supply-chain, tactics, technology, theft, threat, tool, update, vulnerability, vulnerability-management, windowsDon’t miss OWASP’s update to its “Top 10 Risks for LLMs” list. Plus, the ranking of the most harmful software weaknesses is out. Meanwhile, critical infrastructure orgs have a new framework for using AI securely. And get the latest on the BianLian ransomware gang and on the challenges of protecting water and transportation systems against…
The Scale of Geoblocking by Nation
in SecurityNewsInteresting analysis: We introduce and explore a little-known threat to digital equality and freedomwebsites geoblocking users in response to political risks from sanctions. U.S. policy prioritizes internet freedom and access to information in repressive regimes. Clarifying distinctions between free and paid websites, allowing trunk cables to repressive states, enforcing transparency in geoblocking, and removing ambiguity…