Tag: governance
Privacy and Ethical Concerns Around AI
in SecurityNewsRisks of, and principles to guide, AI development Camden Woollven is GRC International Group’s (IT Governance USA’s parent company) head of AI. She’s … First seen on itgovernanceusa.com Jump to article: www.itgovernanceusa.com/blog/privacy-and-ethical-concerns-around-ai
Regierung und Netzbetreiber: Einigung lässt Antennen von Huawei unangetastet
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/regierung-und-netzbetreiber-einigung-laesst-antennen-von-huawei-unangetastet-2407-186926.html
Regulatorisches Datenmanagement und Risikoanalyse mit Data-Governance
in SecurityNewsDatabricks unterstützt Finanzinstitute bei der Verlagerung in die Cloud mit Data-Governance innerhalb ihrer Data-Intelligence-Plattform. Insbesondere … First seen on netzpalaver.de Jump to article: netzpalaver.de/2024/07/11/regulatorisches-datenmanagement-und-risikoanalyse-mit-data-governance/
Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks in the USA in April 2024 4,277,728,098 Records Breached
in SecurityNewsIT Governance USA’s research found the following for April 2024: This month, as is often the case, we’ve found the USA to suffer more publicly disclos… First seen on itgovernanceusa.com Jump to article: www.itgovernanceusa.com/blog/data-breaches-and-cyber-attacks-in-the-usa-in-april-2024-4277728098-records-breached
The 6 Best Governance, Risk Compliance (GRC) Tools for 2024
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on techrepublic.com Jump to article: www.techrepublic.com/article/grc-tools/
Verkaufsstopp von Kaspersky-Antiviren-Lösung Regierung verbietet russische Antiviren-Software Kaspersky
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/us-regierung-verbietet-russische-antiviren-software-kaspersky-a-b23230c0a29808979b177b6d44e10233/
Russische Antiviren-Software: US-Regierung verbietet Kaspersky-Software
in SecurityNewsKaspersky hatte einst international einen guten Ruf beim Virenschutz. Doch die Sorge, das Programm könnte ein Einfallstor für russische Geheimdienste … First seen on csoonline.com Jump to article: www.csoonline.com/de/a/us-regierung-verbietet-kaspersky-software
Responsible AI Governance and Policy: Guiding Principles
in SecurityNewsIn the fast-paced world of business, innovation often takes center stage. But as we harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive our bus… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/07/responsible-ai-governance-and-policy-guiding-principles/
Angst vor russischer Spionage: US-Regierung verbietet Software von Kaspersky
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/angst-vor-russischer-spionage-us-regierung-verbietet-software-von-kaspersky-2406-186318.html
Verschlüsselung: Bundesregierung lehnt Kompromiss zu Chatkontrolle ab
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/verschluesselung-bundesregierung-lehnt-kompromiss-zu-chatkontrolle-ab-2406-186267.html
Chorology.ai Tackles Data Governance
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cybersecurity-operations/chorology-ai-tackles-data-governance
Obsidian Security Partners with Databricks to Bolster SaaS Data Governance
in SecurityNewsObsidian Security, the pioneer of SaaS security, announced today a strategic partnership with Databricks, the Data and AI company. This alliance stren… First seen on itsecurityguru.org Jump to article: www.itsecurityguru.org/2024/06/20/obsidian-security-partners-with-databricks-to-bolster-saas-data-governance/
New IBM Watsonx GenAI focuses on enterprises, governance
in SecurityNewsThe veteran tech giant, with deep roots in AI, bases its new AI strategy on open source, multimodel support and helping businesses modernize their cod… First seen on techtarget.com Jump to article: www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/news/366585946/New-IBM-Watsonx-GenAI-tech-focuses-on-enterprises-governance
What is AI TRiSM? And Why Is It Important?
in SecurityNewsAccording to Gartner, who coined the term, AI TRiSM (AI Trust, Risk and Security Management) ensures an AI model’s governance, trustworthiness, fairne… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/what-is-ai-trism-and-why-is-it-important/
OHB: Bundesregierung kauft wohl 3 neue Satelliten für das Militär
in SecurityNewsDie neue Bestellung der Bundesregierung bei OHB in Bremen umfasst zwei Kommunikations- und einen Frequenzsicherungssatelliten. Dafür werden 2,1 Millia… First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/ohb-bundesregierung-kauft-wohl-3-neue-satelliten-fuer-das-militaer-2406-185971.html
CHOROLOGY Emerges to Apply Generative AI to Data Governance
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/chorology-emerges-to-apply-generative-ai-to-data-governance/
Urgently needed: AI governance in cyber warfare
in SecurityNewsArtificial intelligence is quickly becoming central to societal growth. AI has great power to improve daily life, from education to healthcare, from s… First seen on helpnetsecurity.com Jump to article: www.helpnetsecurity.com/2024/06/13/cyber-warfare-ai-governance/
Understanding HyperCycle’s HyperShare Smart Contract Feature
in SecurityNewserCycle enhances AI safety and efficiency with cryptographic proofs and peer-to-peer nodes. HyperShare supports decentralized governance and income…… First seen on hackread.com Jump to article: hackread.com/hypercycles-hypershare-smart-contract-feature/
DDoS-Angriffe auf Webseiten: Hackerangriff auf Regierung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on csoonline.com Jump to article: www.csoonline.com/de/a/hackerangriff-auf-regierung-in-mecklenburg-vorpommern
Ukraine-Krieg: Polen sieht russischen Cyberangriff hinter Mobilisierungs-Meldung
in SecurityNewsEine polnische Nachrichtenagentur meldete zweimal eine rasche Teil-Mobilmachung der Streitkräfte für einen Ukraine-Einsatz. Die Regierung spricht von … First seen on heise.de Jump to article: www.heise.de/news/Ukraine-Krieg-Polen-sieht-russischen-Cyberangriff-hinter-Mobilisierungs-Meldung-9744517.html
Mastering the Art of Least Privilege Access Implementation: A Comprehensive Guide
in SecurityNewsThe concept of least privilege access has emerged as a paramount principle, serving as a cornerstone for robust identity governance and access managem… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/mastering-the-art-of-least-privilege-access-implementation-a-comprehensive-guide/
OpenAI’s Altman Sidesteps Questions About Governance, Johansson at UN AI Summit
in SecurityNewsAltman spent part of his virtual appearance fending off thorny questions about governance, an AI voice controversy and criticism from ousted board mem… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/openais-altman-sidesteps-questions-about-governance-johansson-at-un-ai-summit/
Zendata Emerges From Stealth With Data Security, AI Governance Solutions
in SecurityNewsData security and AI governance company Zendata has emerged from stealth mode with $2 million in seed funding. The post urity and AI governance compan… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/zendata-emerges-from-stealth-with-data-security-ai-governance-solutions/
Huawei: CDU-Außenexperte zitiert aus abgesetztem Tagesordnungspunkt
in SecurityNews
Tags: governanceCDU-Außenpolitiker Norbert Röttgen zitiert die Bundesregierung mit dramatischen Warnungen vor enormen Sicherheitsrisiken durch Huawei. Doch die hat of… First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/huawei-cdu-aussenexperte-zitiert-aus-abgesetztem-tagesordnungspunkt-2405-185196.html
AI Governance
in SecurityNewsWhat is the Centraleyes AI Governance Framework? The AI Governance assessment, created by the Analyst Team at Centraleyes, is designed to fill a criti… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/05/ai-governance/
CEOs accelerate GenAI adoption despite workforce resistance
in SecurityNewsCEOs are facing workforce, culture and governance challenges as they act quickly to implement and scale generative AI across their organizations, acco… First seen on helpnetsecurity.com Jump to article: www.helpnetsecurity.com/2024/05/22/ceos-generative-ai-adoption/
New IBM Watsonx GenAI tech focuses on enterprises, governance
in SecurityNewsThe veteran tech giant, with deep roots in AI, bases its new AI strategy on open source, multi-model support and helping businesses modernize their co… First seen on techtarget.com Jump to article: www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/news/366585946/New-IBM-Watsonx-GenAI-tech-focuses-on-enterprises-governance
DDoS-Angriffe auf Websites der nepalesischen Regierung
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on nepalitimes.com Jump to article: www.nepalitimes.com/latest/open-season-on-hacking-into-gov-np/
DDoS-Angriffe auf Websites der kanadischen Regierung
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on tvanouvelles.ca Jump to article: www.tvanouvelles.ca/2023/04/11/les-sites-web-du-gouvernement-federal-victimes-dune-cyberattaque-1
DDoS-Angriff auf Websites der Regierung von Senegal
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on reuters.com Jump to article: www.reuters.com/world/africa/senegalese-government-websites-hit-with-cyberattack-2023-05-27/