Tag: google
Google Chrome to let Isolated Web App access sensitive USB devices
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/google/google-chrome-to-let-isolated-web-app-access-sensitive-usb-devices/
Google Offering $250,000 for Full VM Escape in New KVM Bug Bounty Program
in SecurityNewsGoogle has announced a new KVM bug bounty program named kvmCTF with rewards of up to $250,000 for a full VM escape. The post as announced a new KVM bu… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/google-offering-250000-for-full-vm-escape-in-new-kvm-bug-bounty-program/
Hackers Using Google Ads To Deliver ‘Poseidon’ Mac Stealer
Hackers abuse Mac Stealer to covertly extract sensitive information such as passwords, financial data, and personal files from macOS devices. Besides … First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/hackers-using-google-ads/
Google to distrust Entrust SSL/TLS certificates: What this means for the industry
in SecurityNews
Tags: googleIn a significant move to enhance digital certificate security, Google has announced its decision to distrust all public SSL certificates issued by Ent… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/07/google-to-distrust-entrust-ssl-tls-certificates-what-this-means-for-the-industry/
Google Framework Helps LLMs Perform Basic Vuln Research
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on packetstormsecurity.com Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.com/news/view/36027/Google-Framework-Helps-LLMs-Perform-Basic-Vuln-Research.html
Google’s Naptime Framework to Boost Vulnerability Research with AI
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/google-naptime-vulnerability/
New Case Study: Unmanaged GTM Tags Become a Security Nightmare
in SecurityNews
Tags: googleAre your tags really safe with Google Tag Manager? If you’ve been thinking that using GTM means that your tracking tags and pixels are safely managed,… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/06/new-case-study-unmanaged-gtm-tags.html
Botulismus: Googles Gemini-KI hätte beinahe Anwender vergiftet
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/botulismus-googles-gemini-ki-haette-beinahe-anwender-vergiftet-2406-186232.html
Threat Actor Claims 0Day Sandbox Escape RCE in Chrome Browser
in SecurityNewsA threat actor has claimed to have discovered a zero-day vulnerability in the widely-used Google Chrome browser. The claim was made public via a tweet… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/threat-actor-claims-0day-sandbox-escape-rce-in-chrome-browser/
Microsoft Google Offer Discounted Cybersecurity Solutions to Rural Hospitals
in SecurityNewsLearn how a new initiative by the White House, Microsoft, and Google aims to equip rural hospitals with discounted (up to 75%) and free cybersecurity … First seen on esecurityplanet.com Jump to article: www.esecurityplanet.com/trends/cybersecurity-grants-for-hospitals/
Google Disrupts More China-Linked Dragonbridge Influence Operations
in SecurityNewsGoogle has disrupted over 175,000 YouTube and Blogger instances related to the Chinese influence operation Dragonbridge. The post as disrupted over 17… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/google-disrupts-more-china-linked-dragonbridge-influence-operations/
Google Unveils New Chrome Enterprise Core Features for IT, Security Teams
in SecurityNewsGoogle has announced new Chrome Enterprise Core features that should be very useful to IT and security teams. The post as announced new Chrome Enterpr… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/google-unveils-new-chrome-enterprise-core-features-for-it-security-teams/
Google framework helps LLMs perform basic vulnerability research
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on scmagazine.com Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/news/google-framework-helps-llms-perform-basic-vulnerability-research
Zscaler, Google boost security partnership
in SecurityNews
Tags: googleFirst seen on scmagazine.com Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/brief/zscaler-google-boost-security-partnership
Apple Is Coming for Your Password Manager
in SecurityNewsPlus: A media executive is charged in an alleged money-laundering scheme, a ransomware attack disrupts care at London hospitals, and Google’s former C… First seen on wired.com Jump to article: www.wired.com/story/apple-passwords-password-manager-wwdc-security-roundup/
Chrome for Android tests feature that securely verifies your ID with sites
in SecurityNewsGoogle is testing a new feature called Digital Credential API for Chrome on Android that will allow websites to request identity information from mobi… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/google/chrome-for-android-tests-feature-that-securely-verifies-your-id-with-sites/
Malware für Android auf Millionen Endgeräten gefunden – IT-Forscher finden Malware in über 90 Apps in Google Play
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/anatsa-malware-google-play-bankkunden-a-b0836dd5d06363bd1e652a1dd0bafb61/
Angreifer attackieren Geräte: Extra-Sicherheitsupdates für Google Pixel
in SecurityNews
Tags: googleFirst seen on heise.de Jump to article: www.heise.de/news/Angreifer-attackieren-Geraete-Extra-Sicherheitsupdates-fuer-Google-Pixel-9761261.html
Snowflake-Kunden von erheblichem Datendiebstahl betroffen
in SecurityNewsLaut den zu Google gehörenden Incidence Respose-Experten von Mandiant steht eine cyberkriminelle Gruppe im Verdacht, Daten von 165 Unternehmen gestohl… First seen on crn.de Jump to article: www.crn.de/news/4321125/snowflake-kunden-von-erheblichem-datendiebstahl-betroffen
Chrome 126 Update Patches Memory Safety Bugs
in SecurityNewsGoogle has released a Chrome security update to resolve four high-severity use-after-free vulnerabilities. The post as released a Chrome security upda… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/chrome-126-update-patches-memory-safety-bugs/
Google’s Privacy Sandbox Accused of User Tracking by Austrian Non-Profit
in SecurityNewsGoogle’s plans to deprecate third-party tracking cookies in its Chrome web browser with Privacy Sandbox has run into fresh trouble after Austrian priv… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/06/googles-privacy-sandbox-accused-of-user.html
AdsExhaust Adware Distributed in Fake Oculus Installer via Google Search
in SecurityNewsadware AdsExhaust disguises itself as an Oculus installer to steal screenshots, generate fake clicks, and drain resources. Learn how to protect yourse… First seen on hackread.com Jump to article: hackread.com/adsexhaust-adware-fake-oculus-installer-google-search/
Google’s Project Naptime Aims for AI-Based Vulnerability Research
in SecurityNewsSecurity analysts at Google are developing a framework that they hope will enable large language models (LLMs) to eventually be able to run automated … First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/googles-project-naptime-aims-for-ai-based-vulnerability-research/
Alert: Australian Non-Profit Accuses Google Privacy Sandbox
in SecurityNewsGoogle’s initiative to phase out third-party tracking cookies through its Google Privacy Sandbox has encountered criticism from Austrian privacy advoc… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/alert-australian-non-profit-accuses-google-privacy-sandbox/
Google Pixel Firmware Zero-Day Flaw Exploited And Patched
Google has recently issued a warning regarding a critical security flaw affecting Google Pixel Firmware, which has been actively exploited as a zero-d… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/google-pixel-firmware-zero-day-flaw-exploited-and-patched/
Google Warns of Pixel Firmware Security Flaw Exploited as Zero-Day
in SecurityNewsGoogle has warned that a security flaw impacting Pixel Firmware has been exploited in the wild as a zero-day.The high-severity vulnerability, tagged a… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/06/google-warns-of-pixel-firmware-security.html
Google to push ahead with Chrome’s ad-blocker extension overhaul in earnest
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/05/31/google_prepares_for_chrome_extension/
Google revolutioniert Diebstahlschutz und Datenschutz für Android
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on tarnkappe.info Jump to article: tarnkappe.info/artikel/entertainment/smartphones/google-revolutioniert-diebstahlschutz-und-datenschutz-fuer-android-293910.html
Google Chrome 126 update addresses multiple high-severity flaws
in SecurityNewsGoogle released Chrome 126 update that addresses a high-severity vulnerability demonstrated at the TyphoonPWN 2024 hacking competition. Google has iss… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/164688/security/google-chrome-126-update.html
Google’s Zero-Day Hunters Test AI for Security Research
in SecurityNewsProject Zero Framework Aims to Boost AI Bug Detection Skills. Google’s team of zero-day hunters say artificial intelligence can lead to improved autom… First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/googles-zero-day-hunters-test-ai-for-security-research-a-25592