Tag: encryption
Baffle Extends Encryption Reach to AWS Databases
in SecurityNewsBaffle today extended its ability to secure multitenant applications running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud to include the relational database… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/07/baffle-extends-encryption-reach-to-aws-databases/
Sicherheitsforscher: Signals lokale Verschlüsselung unter MacOS ist nutzlos
in SecurityNewsZwei Forschern ist es gelungen, Signal-Chats von einem Mac einfach auf ein neues System zu übertragen und dort fortzusetzen. Auch Angreifer könnten da… First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/sicherheitsforscher-signals-lokale-verschluesselung-unter-macos-ist-nutzlos-2407-186782.html
Signal downplays encryption key flaw, fixes it after X drama
in SecurityNewsSignal is finally tightening its desktop client’s security by changing how it stores plain text encryption keys for the data store after downplaying t… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/signal-downplays-encryption-key-flaw-fixes-it-after-x-drama/
Datenverschlüsselung hat strategische Bedeutung für das Management
in SecurityNewsLaut einer Umfrage, die das Daten-verschlüsselungs-Unternehmen Eperi im zweiten Quartal 2024 bei Unternehmen in Deutschland durchgeführt hat, ist die … First seen on netzpalaver.de Jump to article: netzpalaver.de/2024/07/09/datenverschluesselung-hat-strategische-bedeutung-fuer-das-management/
Q-Day Prepping: What Businesses Can Do Now to Address Quantum Security Risks
in SecurityNewsWe’re primed to face another Y2K-like event: Q-Day, the point at which quantum computers become capable of breaking traditional encryption, totally up… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/07/q-day-prepping-what-businesses-can-do-now-to-address-quantum-security-risks/
Europol says Home Routing mobile encryption feature aids criminals
in SecurityNewsEuropol is proposing solutions to avoid challenges posed by privacy-enhancing technologies in Home Routing that hinder law enforcement’s ability to in… First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/europol-says-home-routing-mobile-encryption-feature-aids-criminals/
Latest EU Proposal ‘Fundamentally Undermines Encryption’
in SecurityNews
Tags: encryptionA recent proposal in discussion in the European Union Council would mandate upload moderation of encrypted content, something that would break encrypt… First seen on duo.com Jump to article: duo.com/decipher/latest-eu-proposal-fundamentally-undermines-encryption
Chinese and N. Korean Hackers Target Global Infrastructure with Ransomware
in SecurityNews
Tags: attack, china, data, encryption, government, hacker, infrastructure, korea, north-korea, ransomware, threatThreat actors with suspected ties to China and North Korea have been linked to ransomware and data encryption attacks targeting government and critica… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/06/chinese-and-n-korean-hackers-target.html
Stop Ransomware in its Tracks: Suspicious File Activity
in SecurityNewsThe Threat Scenario Consider a scenario where your file server, D3Cyber-FileServer, triggers an alert. The alert indicates an encryption attempt on im… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/07/stop-ransomware-in-its-tracks-suspicious-file-activity/
Preparing for Q-Day as NIST nears approval of PQC standards
in SecurityNewsQ-Day, the day when a cryptographically relevant quantum computer can break most forms of modern encryption, is fast approaching, leaving the complex … First seen on helpnetsecurity.com Jump to article: www.helpnetsecurity.com/2024/07/01/pqc-standardization/
P2Pinfect Botnet Now Targets Servers with Ransomware, Cryptominer
in SecurityNewsP2Pinfect botnet, once dormant, is now attacking servers with ransomware and cryptomining malware. Patch your systems to avoid data encryption and fin… First seen on hackread.com Jump to article: hackread.com/p2pinfect-botnet-target-server-ransomware-cryptominer/
Verschlüsselung: Bundesregierung lehnt Kompromiss zu Chatkontrolle ab
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/verschluesselung-bundesregierung-lehnt-kompromiss-zu-chatkontrolle-ab-2406-186267.html
KillSec Unveils Feature-Rich RaaS Platform with Encryption, DDoS Tools, and Data Stealer
in SecurityNewsHacktivist group KillSec has revealed a new weapon in their digital arsenal: a Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) program designed to empower aspiring cyb… First seen on thecyberexpress.com Jump to article: thecyberexpress.com/killsec-launches-raas-program/
Encryption Is Deeply Threatening To Power
in SecurityNews
Tags: encryptionFirst seen on packetstormsecurity.com Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.com/news/view/36010/Encryption-Is-Deeply-Threatening-To-Power.html
German BSI Forces Microsoft to Disclose Security Measures
in SecurityNewsCompany Publishes Information on Double Key Encryption Under Regulatory Pressure. Following a legal intervention made by the German federal cybersecur… First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/german-bsi-forces-microsoft-to-disclose-security-measures-a-25553
Sicherung persönlicher Daten durch FIDO-basierte Verschlüsselung – Die digitale Wallet für die EU
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/eu-digital-identity-wallet-kontrolle-persoenliche-daten-a-bbc1253454c6604dc19ae2437beb7737/
Securing Online Business Transactions: Essential Tools and Practices
in SecurityNewsance your online transaction security with encryption, VPNs, and authentication. Understand threats, address vulnerabilities, and use secure payment g… First seen on hackread.com Jump to article: hackread.com/securing-online-business-transactions-essential-tools/
Zoom adds ‘post-quantum’ encryption for video nattering
in SecurityNews
Tags: encryptionFirst seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/05/21/zoom_postquantum_e2ee/
5 Tips for Improving Your Business Security
in SecurityNewsWhen it comes to data security, you might think of firewalls, encryption, or vulnerability scanning. However, many businesses overlook the role of phy… First seen on itsecurityguru.org Jump to article: www.itsecurityguru.org/2024/06/07/5-tips-for-improving-your-business-security/
Free Android VPNs Suffering Encryption Failures, New Report
in SecurityNewsVPN apps for Android increase privacy and security over the internet since connection data is encrypted, consequently making it impossible for hackers… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/free-android-vpns-encryption-failures/
FBI encourages LockBit victims to step right up for free encryption keys
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/06/06/lockbit_fbi_decryption_key/
How Poor Cryptographic Practices Endanger Banking Software Security
in SecurityNewsIn today’s digital age, financial institutions rely heavily on encryption to protect sensitive data in their banking applications. However, despite th… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/how-poor-cryptographic-practices-endanger-banking-software-security/
Hive Systems: Trotz Bcrypt-Verschlüsselung keine Passwort-Sicherheit
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on tarnkappe.info Jump to article: tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/datenschutz/hive-systems-trotz-bcrypt-verschluesselung-keine-passwort-sicherheit-292681.html
Zoom Adopts NIST-Approved Post-Quantum EndEnd Encryption for Meetings
in SecurityNewsPopular enterprise services provider Zoom has announced the rollout of post-quantum end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for Zoom Meetings, with support for Z… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/05/zoom-adopts-nist-approved-post-quantum.html
Zoom Adding Post-Quantum End-to-End Encryption To All Products
in SecurityNews
Tags: encryptionFirst seen on packetstormsecurity.com Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.com/news/view/35905/Zoom-Adding-Post-Quantum-End-to-End-Encryption-To-All-Products.html
How FHE Technology Is Making EndEnd Encryption a Reality
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on hackread.com Jump to article: www.hackread.com/fhe-technology-make-end-to-end-encryption-reality/
WhatsApp Engineers Fear Encryption Flaw Exposes User Data, Memo
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on hackread.com Jump to article: www.hackread.com/whatsapp-engineers-encryption-flaw-exposes-data/
ShrinkLocker Ransomware Leverages BitLocker for File Encryption
in SecurityNewsThe ransomware resizes system partitions to create a new boot partition, ensuring the encrypted files are loaded during system startup, which locks ou… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/05/shrinklocker-ransomware-leverages-bitlocker-for-file-encryption/
Resolving the Zero Trust Encryption Paradox
in SecurityNewsPKI and cryptography are critical components of a Zero Trust strategy, driving the use of… The post cryptography are critical components of a Zero T… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/05/resolving-the-zero-trust-encryption-paradox/
ShrinkLocker Ransomware Exploits Microsoft’s BitLocker
in SecurityNewsMalicious Script Targets Users in Mexico, Indonesia, Jordan. Why bother building a crypto-locker when Microsoft has perfectly acceptable encryption so… First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/shrinklocker-ransomware-exploits-microsofts-bitlocker-a-25322