Tag: deep-fake
IAM Predictions for 2025: Identity as the Linchpin of Business Resilience
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, apple, attack, authentication, banking, breach, business, cloud, compliance, corporate, credentials, crime, data, deep-fake, detection, finance, iam, identity, malicious, microsoft, mobile, office, passkey, password, privacy, regulation, resilience, risk, service, supply-chain, theft, threat, tool, vulnerabilityIAM Predictions for 2025: Identity as the Linchpin of Business Resilience madhav Thu, 12/19/2024 – 05:33 As we look toward 2025, the lessons of 2024 serve as a stark reminder of the rapidly evolving identity and access management (IAM) landscape. The numbers tell the story: The latest Identity Theft Resource Center report indicates that consumers…
Deepfakes und Kryptobetrug auf dem Vormarsch
in SecurityNewsDie digitale Bedrohungslage für Nutzer nimmt weltweit zu. Der aktuelle ESET Threat Report H2 2024 zeigt alarmierende Entwicklungen: Verbraucher und Unternehmen in Europa und Deutschland werden zunehmend zur Zielscheibe von Betrugskampagnen, Datendiebstahl und ausgeklügelten Angriffsmethoden. First seen on it-daily.net Jump to article: www.it-daily.net/it-sicherheit/cybercrime/deepfakes-und-kryptobetrug-auf-dem-vormarsch
Bureau Raises $30M to Tackle Deepfakes, Payment Fraud
in SecurityNewsSan Francisco startup scores a Series B round to thwart money mule accounts, deep-fake identities, account takeovers and payment fraud. The post Bureau Raises $30M to Tackle Deepfakes, Payment Fraud appeared first on SecurityWeek. First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/bureau-raises-30m-to-tackle-deepfakes-payment-fraud/
KI-gestützte Cybersicherheit 10 Prognosen für das Jahr 2025
in SecurityNewsSchon seit vielen Jahren warnen Cybersicherheitsexperten auf der ganzen Welt vor den Gefahren KI-gestützter Cyberangriffe. Langsam werden diese Warnungen nun Realität. In diesem Jahr kam KI noch vor allem in Deepfake-, Phishing- und Spear Phishing-Kampagnen zum Einsatz. Für die kommenden Jahre ist aber mit einem deutlichen Anstieg der Anwendungsfälle zu rechnen. KI-gestützte Cyberangriffe werden mehr…
Security leaders top 10 takeaways for 2024
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, attack, automation, best-practice, breach, business, ciso, cloud, compliance, corporate, crowdstrike, cybercrime, cybersecurity, data, deep-fake, detection, email, finance, fraud, governance, group, guide, hacker, identity, incident response, infosec, ISO-27001, office, okta, phishing, privacy, programming, regulation, risk, risk-management, saas, security-incident, service, software, startup, strategy, technology, threat, tool, training, vulnerabilityThis year has been challenging for CISOs, with a growing burden of responsibility, the push to make cybersecurity a business enabler, the threat of legal liability for security incidents, and an expanding attack landscape.As the year comes to a close, CISOs reflect on some of the takeaways that have shaped the security landscape in 2024.…
Die wichtigsten Cybersecurity-Prognosen für 2025
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, apple, apt, cloud, cyberattack, cybercrime, cybersecurity, cyersecurity, data, deep-fake, governance, incident response, jobs, kritis, malware, military, mobile, nis-2, ransomware, service, software, stuxnet, supply-chain -
Von Rust bis Deepfake – Wie Cyberkriminelle 2025 noch gefährlicher werden
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/-it-sicherheit-2025-politik-ki-neue-gesetzgebung-a-1ff645fe549f74a0612be5f8e5528b9c/
The imperative for governments to leverage genAI in cyber defense
in SecurityNews
Tags: ai, attack, cyber, cyberattack, cybersecurity, dark-web, data, deep-fake, defense, detection, email, endpoint, gartner, government, incident response, infrastructure, intelligence, LLM, malicious, malware, microsoft, strategy, tactics, threat, tool, training, vulnerabilityIn an era where cyber threats are evolving at an unprecedented pace, the need for robust cyber defense mechanisms has never been more critical. Sixty-two percent of all cyberattacks focus on public sector organizations directly and indirectly. Nation-state actors, equipped with generative artificial intelligence (genAI) sophisticated tools and techniques, pose significant threats to national security,…
How Deepfake Tech Elevates Risk in Banking (and How MSSPs Can Help)
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/perspective/how-deepfake-tech-elevates-risk-in-banking-and-how-mssps-can-help
How Deepfake Tech Elevates Risk in Banking (and How MSSPs Can Help)
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/perspective/how-deepfake-tech-elevates-risk-in-banking-and-how-mssps-can-help
Scottish Parliament TV at Risk From Deepfakes
in SecurityNewsBecause the streaming service website offers no content restrictions, attackers are able to hijack and manipulate live streams. First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/scottish-parliament-tv-risk-deepfakes
Scottish Parliament TV at Risk of Deepfake Attacks
in SecurityNewsResearchers found that the broad accessibility of streams of Scottish Parliamentary proceedings make them highly susceptible to deepfake attacks First seen on infosecurity-magazine.com Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/scottish-parliament-deepfake/
Cybersicherheitsprognosen für 2025
in SecurityNewsGen veröffentlicht seine Cyberbedrohungsprognosen für 2025. Die Expert:innen von Gen sagen die nächste Phase von KI und Deepfakes voraus, eine Verschiebung von Datendiebstahl hin zu umfassendem Identitätsdiebstahl, sowie ausgefeiltere Betrügereien und neue Taktiken für finanziellen Diebstahl. First seen on it-daily.net Jump to article: www.it-daily.net/it-sicherheit/cloud-security/cybersicherheitsprognosen-fuer-2025
Weaponized AI: Hot for Fraud, Not for Election Interference
in SecurityNewsFBI Sees Rising AI-Enabled Fraud; Meta Reports Scant Election Interference Use Artificial intelligence: What’s it good for? Per the old song about war, the answer isn’t absolutely nothing, but so far it also isn’t absolutely everything. New findings pinpoint where generative AI and deepfakes are hot – fraud – and where they’re not – election…
Deutschland noch immer schlecht auf Cyberangriffe vorbereitet
in SecurityNewssrcset=”https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?quality=50&strip=all 5184w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=300%2C168&quality=50&strip=all 300w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=768%2C432&quality=50&strip=all 768w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=1024%2C576&quality=50&strip=all 1024w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=1536%2C864&quality=50&strip=all 1536w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=2048%2C1152&quality=50&strip=all 2048w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=1240%2C697&quality=50&strip=all 1240w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=150%2C84&quality=50&strip=all 150w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=854%2C480&quality=50&strip=all 854w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=640%2C360&quality=50&strip=all 640w, b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/shutterstock_2523718547.jpg?resize=444%2C250&quality=50&strip=all 444w” width=”1024″ height=”576″ sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”>Jedes dritte Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der kritischen Infrastruktur in Deutschland fühlt sich schlecht auf Cyberangriffe vorbereitet. CHONRI510 Shutterstock.comMehr als die Hälfte der Unternehmen in Deutschland aus Bereichen…
KI-basierte Deepfakes zur effektiven Täuschung als Angriffsvektor etabliert
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on datensicherheit.de Jump to article: www.datensicherheit.de/ki-basis-deepfakes-effektivitaet-taeuschung-angriffsvektor-etablierung
Deepfakes erfordern eine Kultur des Misstrauens
in SecurityNewsKI-basierte Deepfakes haben sich im letzten Jahr als effektives Täuschungsinstrument etabliert. Vom rudimentären E-Mail-Spoofing wurden sie zu einer hochentwickelten Phishing-Technik weiterentwickelt, die manipulierte Audio- und Videodaten einsetzt. Die Ursprünge von Deepfakes lassen sich dabei auf die inhärenten Schwachstellen der E-Mail-Technologie zurückführen, der es an robusten Mechanismen zur Überprüfung der Absenderidentität fehlt. Dieses seit langem bestehende…
CIO POV: Building trust in cyberspace
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, attack, best-practice, business, cio, cisa, cloud, cyber, data, deep-fake, encryption, framework, GDPR, group, identity, infrastructure, intelligence, Internet, mfa, mitre, nist, privacy, regulation, resilience, risk, service, software, strategy, technology, threat, tool, update, windowsTrust lies at the heart of every relationship, transaction, and encounter. Yet in cyberspace”, where we work, live, learn, and play”, trust can become elusive.Since the dawn of the internet nearly 50 years ago, we’ve witnessed incredible digital transformations paired with increasingly formidable threats. Knowing who and what to trust has become so difficult that…
Entrust bekämpft Deepfakes, Phishing- und Account-Takeover-Angriffe
in SecurityNewsDurch die Erweiterung seiner Identity as a Service (IDaaS)-Plattform mit Onfidos KI-gestützter Dokumenten- und biometrischer Verifikation ermöglicht E… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/entrust-bekaempft-deepfakes-phishing-und-account-takeover-angriffe/a37394/
CEO-Fraud & Deepfake-Angriffe: Drei präventive Schutzmaßnahmen
in SecurityNewsDass solche Angriffe mittlerweile längst keine Ausnahmeerscheinung mehr darstellen, demonstrierte vor kurzem der italienische Autohersteller Ferrari, … First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/ceo-fraud-deepfake-angriffe-drei-praeventive-schutzmassnahmen/a38141/
Cyber-Bedrohungen 2025: KI-Angriffe, Quanten-Risiken und Deepfakes dominieren
in SecurityNewsLaut Check Point’s CTO Dr. Dorit Dor wird KI im Jahr 2025 sowohl Angreifer als auch Verteidiger unterstützen. Die stetig wachsende Bedrohung durch Phi… First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/cyber-bedrohungen-2025-ki-angriffe-quanten-risiken-und-deepfakes-dominieren/a38791/
CameraAngriffe: Deepfakes tricksen Gesichtserkennung aus
in SecurityNewsSogenannte Camera-Injection-Angriffe entwickeln sich immer mehr zum Sicherheitsrisiko für Sicherheitssysteme mit Gesichtserkennung. Dabei werden Schwa… First seen on 8com.de Jump to article: www.8com.de/cyber-security-blog/camera-injection-angriffe-deepfakes-tricksen-gesichtserkennung-aus
EM im Fokus auch bei Cyberkriminellen
in SecurityNewsIm Rahmen der Fußball-Europameisterschaft warnen Experten vor Cyberangriffen auf Großbildschirme in Stadien und Deepfakes in sozialen Medien. Auch Fak… First seen on 8com.de Jump to article: www.8com.de/cyber-security-blog/em-im-fokus—auch-bei-cyberkriminellen
AI, Deepfakes, and Phishing
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on tldrsec.com Jump to article: tldrsec.com/p/ai-deepfakes-phishing
Crypto-Influencer DeepFakes Are the Cybercriminal Economy’s Latest Business Line
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on resecurity.com Jump to article: www.resecurity.com/blog/article/crypto-influencer-deepfakes-are-the-cybercriminal-economys-latest-business-line
Smashing Security podcast #391: The secret Strava service, deepfakes, and crocodiles
in SecurityNewsIn this week’s episode your hosts practice standing on one leg, Carole gives Graham a deepfake quiz, and we investigate how Strava may be exposing the… First seen on grahamcluley.com Jump to article: grahamcluley.com/smashing-security-podcast-391/
Crypto companies are losing ground to deepfake attacks
in SecurityNewsThe crypto sector stands out as the only surveyed industry where deepfake fraud surpasses traditional document fraud in prevalence, according to Regula. Crypto companies … First seen on helpnetsecurity.com Jump to article: www.helpnetsecurity.com/2024/11/28/crypto-deepfake-fraud/
Scientists demonstrate Pixelator deepfake image verification tool
in SecurityNewsWith the age of deepfake imagery upon us, a team led by York St John University researchers has created a tool to help people ‘navigate the fine line between reality and fabrication’ First seen on Jump to article: /www.computerweekly.com/news/366616231/Scientists-demonstrate-Pixelator-deepfake-image-verification-tool