Tag: ddos
DDoS-Angriff auf Webseiten der Regierung von Liechtenstein
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on presseportal.ch Jump to article: www.presseportal.ch/de/pm/100000148/100921316
DDoS-Angriff auf einen Telekommunikationsdienstleister in Macau
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on macaonews.org Jump to article: macaonews.org/news/city/tdm-macau-cyber-attack-macao/
DDoS-Angriffe auf Webseiten von Gemeinden auf Mallorca, Spanien
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on inselradio.com Jump to article: www.inselradio.com/aktuell/news/wirtschaft-politik/2024/07/nach-hackerangriff-webseiten-von-inselgemeinden-wieder-erreichbar
Einige MicrosoftDienste nach DDoS-Angriff gestört
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on azure.status.microsoft Jump to article: azure.status.microsoft/en-us/status/history/
DDoS-Angriff auf Notrufsysteme in Texas
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on dailytrib.com Jump to article: www.dailytrib.com/2024/08/05/cyberattack-disrupts-911-service/
DDoS-Angriff auf die Website eines Hafens in Großbritannien
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on bbc.com Jump to article: www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd05zjxde31o
DDoS-Angriff auf eine ukrainische Online-Bank
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on ukrinform.net Jump to article: www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3896316-cyberattack-on-monobank-is-still-ongoing-ukrainian-intelligence-services-offered-to-help.html
DDoS-Angriff auf einen Telekommunikationsdienstleister in Russland, WhatsApp und Telegram betroffen
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on derstandard.de Jump to article: www.derstandard.de/story/3000000233325/cyberangriff-verursacht-ausfall-von-whatsapp-und-telegram-in-russland
DDoS-Angriff auf einen Telekommunikationsdienstleister aus der Schweiz
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on tagesanzeiger.ch Jump to article: www.tagesanzeiger.ch/swisscom-twint-und-e-banking-nach-cyberangriff-ausgefallen-573293136128
DDoS-Angriff auf die Website einer politischen Partei in Brandenburg, Deutschland
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on berliner-zeitung.de Jump to article: www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/afd-brandenburg-beklagt-hackerangriff-auf-internetseite-li.2249266
DDoS-Angriff auf die Website einer Universität in Frankreich
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on clubic.com Jump to article: www.clubic.com/antivirus-securite-informatique/virus-hacker-piratage/piratage-informatique/actualite-470844-le-site-web-de-l-universite-paris-8-pirate-par-des-hackers-pro-russes-avec-un-message-tou…
DDoS-Angriff auf die Website eines Gemeindeverbands in Frankreich
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr Jump to article: france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/grand-est/marne/reims/cyber-attaque-le-site-internet-de-la-ville-de-reims-rendu-inaccessible-ce-mardi-midi-3026069.html
DDoS-Angriff auf die Website einer Stadtverwaltung in Frankreich
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on tfl.gov.uk Jump to article: tfl.gov.uk/campaign/cyber-security-incident
DDoS-Angriff auf die Website einer politischen Partei in Österreich
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on kurier.at Jump to article: kurier.at/politik/inland/nationalratswahl-2024-oevp-hackerangriff-spoe/402951574
DDoS-Angriff auf politische Parteien in Österreich
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on derstandard.de Jump to article: www.derstandard.de/story/3000000238615/nr-wahl-erneut-hackerangriffe-auf-parteien
DDoS-Angriff auf Gemeinden in Belgien
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on vrt.be Jump to article: www.vrt.be/vrtnws/de/2024/10/08/weitere-cyberangriffe-auf-websites-von-haefen-und-kommunalverwal/
DDoS-Angriff auf Häfen in Belgien
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on belganewsagency.eu Jump to article: www.belganewsagency.eu/new-cyber-attacks-by-pro-russian-hackers-hit-port-and-local-authority-websites
DDoS-Angriff auf eine politische Partei in Japan
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on therecord.media Jump to article: therecord.media/japan-political-party-hit-by-cyberattack-pro-russian-hackers
DDoS-Angriffe auf Webseiten der Regierung von Zypern
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on therecord.media Jump to article: therecord.media/cyprus-critical-infrastructure-cyberattack-israel-palestine
DDoS-Angriff auf das Außenministerium von Russland
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on reuters.com Jump to article: www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-unprecedented-cyber-attack-hits-foreign-ministry-amid-brics-summit-2024-10-23/
DDoS-Angriff auf eine Bank in Finnland
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on aftonbladet.se Jump to article: www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/LMk9B4/strul-for-nordea
DDoS-Angriff auf eine Stadtverwaltung in Großbritannien
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on bbc.com Jump to article: www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly2jyvx55do
Matrix, A Single Actor Orchestrate Global DDOS Attack Campaign
in SecurityNewsCybersecurity researchers have uncovered a widespread Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) campaign attributed to a threat actor using the alias >>Matrix.
35 Million Devices Vulnerable: Matrix DDoS Campaign Highlights Growing IoT Threat
in SecurityNewsAqua Nautilus researchers have uncovered a major Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) campaign led by a threat actor operating under the name Matrix. This operation, detected through honeypot activities, showcases a concerning... First seen on securityonline.info Jump to article: securityonline.info/35-million-devices-vulnerable-matrix-ddos-campaign-highlights-growing-iot-threat/
Over 35M devices subjected to widespread Matrix DDoS campaign
in SecurityNews
Tags: ddosFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/over-35m-devices-subjected-to-widespread-matrix-ddos-campaign
Russian Script Kiddie Assembles Massive DDoS Botnet
Over the past year, Matrix has used publicly available malware tools and exploit scripts to target weakly secured IoT devices, and enterprise servers. First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/russian-script-kiddie-assembles-massive-ddos-botnet
A US soldier is suspected of being behind the massive Snowflake data leak
in SecurityNewsOne of the hackers who masterminded the Snowflake credential leak that led to the threat actors stealing data from and extorting at least 165 companies, including 560 million Ticketmaster and 110 AT&T customers, could be a US soldier, according to cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs.The hacker, known for using the moniker Kiberphant0m, carried out online chats…
5,6 Terabit pro Sekunde Attacken erreichen neue Dimensionen
in SecurityNews
Tags: ddosFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/ddos-attacken-bericht-drittes-quartal-2024-a-bbb577397dc732c29112cc5aba2da085/
Matrix Botnet Exploits IoT Devices in Widespread DDoS Botnet Campaign
in SecurityNewsA threat actor named Matrix has been linked to a widespread distributed denial-of-service (DoD) campaign that leverages vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in Internet of Things (IoT) devices to co-opt them into a disruptive botnet.”This operation serves as a comprehensive one-stop shop for scanning, exploiting vulnerabilities, deploying malware, and setting up shop kits, showcasing a First seen…
UK councils bat away DDoS barrage from pro-Russia keyboard warriors
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on theregister.com Jump to article: www.theregister.com/2024/11/01/uk_councils_russia_ddos/