Tag: awareness
Phishing Simulations for Cybersecurity Awareness Training
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on resecurity.com Jump to article: www.resecurity.com/blog/article/phishing-simulations-cybersecurity-awareness-training
Study: 92% of Healthcare Firms Hit by Cyberattacks This Year
in SecurityNewsHealthcare organizations should rethink some of their approach to security, enhancing focus on insider threats, improving cyber awareness training and… First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/interviews/study-92-healthcare-firms-hit-by-cyberattacks-this-year-i-5419
Privacy Vendor Market Moves From Point to Platform Solutions
in SecurityNewsPwC’s Anirban Sengupta Details Privacy Landscape, Growing Awareness in India Market. The privacy vendor market in India is evolving rapidly, as many vendors move from offering point solutions to embracing more integrated, platform solutions that can handle a broader range of privacy requirements, said Anirban Sengupta, partner, risk consulting practice with PwC. First seen on…
Zyxel Firewall Vulnerability Actively Exploited in Attacks
in SecurityNewsZyxel has announced awareness of active exploitation attempts by threat actors targeting their firewall products. This follows a detailed report by cybersecurity firm Sekoia highlighting vulnerabilities previously disclosed in Zyxel’s systems. The company has responded swiftly to these potential threats, aiming to safeguard its users through vital firmware updates and security enhancements. CVE-2024-11667: The Vulnerability…
Cybersecurity’s oversimplification problem: Seeing AI as a replacement for human agency
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, awareness, business, ciso, computer, cyber, cybersecurity, data, election, infrastructure, intelligence, Internet, jobs, technology, threat, tool, trainingThere’s a philosophical concept called the Great Man Theory that suggests history is all about how significant individuals act as centers of gravity for society as a whole, think Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Elizabeth I, or the founding fathers of the American Revolution.Recent research suggests that cybersecurity and related professions are developing a…
Act fast to snuff out employee curiosity over ‘free’ AI apps
in SecurityNewsThe word “free” has always tempted employees who are looking for an app or template to make their work easier. These days, combine “free” with “AI” and the lure is almost irresistible.Since the release of ChatGPT in late 2022, free AI-themed apps have exploded. Unfortunately, some are created by threat actors. One of the latest…
Security awareness and training is a method, not an outcome
in SecurityNewsIn 2024, the idea of human risk management shifted from concept to reality as;frustrated CISOs;looked;for solutions;beyond security awareness and training;to make real change.; First seen on cybersecuritydive.com Jump to article: www.cybersecuritydive.com/news/security-awareness-training-strategy/733468/
The Crucial Influence of Human Factors in Security Breaches
The hard truth is that security breaches often happen because of human mistakes from simple, everyday actions. It’s not just employees unknowingly using unsecured Wi-Fi it’s phishing, weak passwords and a lack of awareness that open the door to attackers. First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/11/the-crucial-influence-of-human-factors-in-security-breaches/
Betrug im digitalen Zeitalter: Wie die IT-Technologie sowohl Bedrohungen als auch Schutzmaßnahmen neu erfindet
in SecurityNewsCheck Point Software Technologies sieht es im Rahmen der International-Fraud-Awareness-Week als wichtig an, auf die neuen Formen von digitalem Betrug einzugehen, mit denen Unternehmen konfrontiert sind, denn der technologische Fortschritt hat sowohl Unternehmen als auch Hackern neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet. Von Cyber-Hochstapelei und internem Betrug bis hin zu immer raffinierteren Verbrechen, wie CEO-Vortäuschung und KI-gesteuerten Attacken.…
Check Point zeigt aktuelle digitale Betrugsformen auf
in SecurityNewsIn der International Fraud Awareness Week wirft Check Point ein Schlaglicht auf aktuelle Gefahren wie digitalen Betrug, Nachahmung und KI-gesteuerte Attacken, damit Unternehmen sich rüsten können First seen on infopoint-security.de Jump to article: www.infopoint-security.de/check-point-zeigt-aktuelle-digitale-betrugsformen-auf/a38981/
Fraud Awareness Week: How to Effectively Protect Your Data and Combat Fraudsters
in SecurityNews
Tags: access, ai, api, attack, authentication, awareness, business, cloud, communications, compliance, control, credentials, crime, data, defense, detection, encryption, exploit, finance, fraud, Hardware, iam, international, mfa, mobile, office, PCI, privacy, regulation, risk, service, software, strategy, technology, threat, vulnerabilityFraud Awareness Week: How to Effectively Protect Your Data and Combat Fraudsters madhav Tue, 11/19/2024 – 05:28 International Fraud Awareness Week (November 17-23) is a critical time to consider the significant risks that fraud poses to individuals and organizations. Thanks to AI, fraud attempts and successful attacks are alarmingly common and more advanced, with many…
The SEC Cybersecurity Rule: Awareness Rises, Compliance Lags
in SecurityNewsExplore how the SEC Cybersecurity Rule has raised boardroom awareness, but why achieving true resilience and transparency remains a critical challenge. First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/11/the-sec-cybersecurity-rule-awareness-rises-compliance-lags/
SecuritySerie <> Staffel 6 veröffentlicht
in SecurityNewsDer Anbieter der weltweit größten Plattform für Security-Awareness-Trainings und simuliertes Phishing, KnowBe4, veröffentlicht die 6. Staffel seiner Erfolgsserie ‘The Inside Man”. Die Premierenfeier fand in den USA am 13. November statt. In der sechsten Staffel der Serie kehren alle bei den Fans beliebten Hauptfiguren zurück und stellen sich einem neuen Bösewicht und seiner cyberkriminellen Organisation.…
KnowBe4 Named as One of Newsweek’s Top UK Most Loved Workplaces For 2024
in SecurityNewsToday, KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, announced that it has been named as o… First seen on itsecurityguru.org Jump to article: www.itsecurityguru.org/2024/11/04/knowbe4-named-as-one-of-newsweeks-top-uk-most-loved-workplaces-for-2024/
IT-Awards 2024 – Die beliebtesten Anbieter von SecurityTrainings
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/sicherheit-digitalisierung-mensch-im-fokus-a-69b67614d4b3f2e135c640c37a85bee1/
KnowBe4 veröffentlicht kostenfreies Holiday-Kit zur Stärkung der Cyberresilienz
in SecurityNewsDer Anbieter der weltweit größten Plattform für Security-Awareness-Trainings und simuliertes Phishing, KnowBe4, veröffentlicht sein neues . Die Materialien sollen die Cyberabwehr der Nutzer während der Festtage stärken. Das diesjährige Kit baut auf dem Erfolg früherer Versionen auf und bietet eine Auswahl an neuen und verbesserten Ressourcen, um den neuesten Cyberbedrohungen im Zusammenhang […] First seen…
KnowBe4 Releases 2024 Holiday Kit to Boost Cyber Resilience
in SecurityNewsThis week, KnowBe4, the provider of security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, announced the release of its new 2024 Holiday Resource Kit, designed to strengthen users’ cyber defences during the festive season. This year’s kit builds on the success of previous versions, offering a selection of new and improved resources to address the latest…
10 Tipps für mehr ERP-Sicherheit durch erhöhte Security-Awareness
in SecurityNewsObwohl SAP-Anwendungslandschaften und ERP-Systeme das Herzstück vieler IT-Umgebungen bilden, sind sie oft ein blinder Fleck der IT-Sicherheit. Gleichz… First seen on netzpalaver.de Jump to article: netzpalaver.de/2024/10/29/10-tipps-fuer-mehr-erp-sicherheit-durch-erhoehte-security-awareness/
The Biggest Inhibitor of Cybersecurity: The Human Element
in SecurityNewsEssential steps such as security awareness training, MFA, and Zero Trust identity management help organizations reduce the human element and stay ahead in the cybersecurity curve. The post The Biggest Inhibitor of Cybersecurity: The Human Element appeared first on SecurityWeek. First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/the-biggest-inhibitor-of-cybersecurity-the-human-element/
Increasing Awareness of DNS Hijacking: A Growing Cyber Threat
in SecurityNewsRead more about DNS hijacking and how organizations can prevent it. First seen on techrepublic.com Jump to article: www.techrepublic.com/article/dns-hijacking-growing-cyber-threat/
Cybersecurity Training Resources Often Limited to Developers
in SecurityNewsWith a lack of cybersecurity awareness training resources for all employees, organizations are more susceptible to being breached or falling short whe… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/cybersecurity-training-resources-limited-developers
Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024: Imperva gibt 4 Tipps für mehr Sicherheit in der digitale Welt
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on datensicherheit.de Jump to article: www.datensicherheit.de/cybersecurity-awareness-month-2024-imperva-4-tipps-erhoehung-sicherheit-digital-welt
KnowBe4 Launches Complimentary Training Module Following Thwarted North Korean Infiltration Attempt
in SecurityNewsToday, KnowBe4, security awareness training and simulated phishing platform provider have announced the release of a complimentary cybersecurity modul… First seen on itsecurityguru.org Jump to article: www.itsecurityguru.org/2024/10/22/knowbe4-launches-complimentary-training-module-following-thwarted-north-korean-infiltration-attempt
Safeguarding Cyber Insurance Policies With Security Awareness Training
in SecurityNewsWith cybersecurity threats continuing to evolve at an accelerated pace, organizations need to ensure that their cyber insurance policies remain active… First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/10/safeguarding-cyber-insurance-policies-with-security-awareness-training/
Cybersecurity Action Month: When Awareness Must Lead to Action
in SecurityNewsOctober is widely regarded as Cybersecurity Awareness Month. While awareness is crucial in our increasingly perilous cyber landscape where threats to … First seen on itsecurityguru.org Jump to article: www.itsecurityguru.org/2024/10/21/cybersecurity-action-month-when-awareness-must-lead-to-action/
ELITE 2.0 Wanderzirkus: OT-Awareness für KMU am 16. Oktober 2024
in SecurityNews
Tags: awarenessFirst seen on datensicherheit.de Jump to article: www.datensicherheit.de/elite-2-0-wanderzirkus-ot-awareness-kmu-16-oktober-2024