Tag: apt
Russia Aims Cyber Operations at Summer Olympics
in SecurityNewsAs always, Russian APTs are hoping to foment unrest by stoking existing societal divides and fears, this time around the Olympics and EU politics; and… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/russia-cyber-operations-summer-olympics
Chinese APT suspected of Ministry of Defence hack
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on computerweekly.com Jump to article: www.computerweekly.com/news/366583712/Chinese-APT-suspected-of-Ministry-of-Defence-hack
LilacSquid APT Employs Open Source Tools, QuasarRAT
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/lilacsquid-apt-employs-open-source-tools-quasarrat
FlyingYeti APT Serves Up Cookbox Malware Using WinRAR
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/flyingyeti-apt-cookbox-malware-winrar
Multiple Chinese APTs Targeted Southeast Asian Government for Two Years
in SecurityNewsMultiple Chinese state-sponsored groups have targeted a Southeast Asian government in a years-long cyberespionage campaign. The post Chinese state-spo… First seen on securityweek.com Jump to article: www.securityweek.com/multiple-chinese-apts-targeted-southeast-asian-government-for-two-years/
‘Moonstone Sleet’ APT Melds Espionage, Financial Goals
in SecurityNewsNorth Korea’s newest threat actor uses every trick in the nation-state APT playbook, and most of cybercrime’s tricks, too. It also developed a whole v… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/microsoft-moonlight-sleet-apt-melds-espionage-financial-goals
Pakistani ‘Transparent Tribe’ APT Aims for Cross-Platform Impact
in SecurityNewsTargeting India’s government, defense, and aerospace sectors, the cyber-threat group now attacks Linux as well as Windows in its quest to compromise t… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/pakistani-transparent-tribe-apt-aims-for-cross-platform-impact
EU calls out Fancy Bear over attacks on Czech, German governments
in SecurityNewsThe European Union, alongside member states Czechia and Germany, have accused Russian government APT Fancy Bear of being behind a series of attacks on… First seen on computerweekly.com Jump to article: www.computerweekly.com/news/366583454/EU-calls-out-Fancy-Bear-over-attacks-on-Czech-German-governments
Inside Operation Diplomatic Specter: Chinese APT Group’s Stealthy Tactics Exposed
in SecurityNewsGovernmental entities in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia are the target of a Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) group as part of an ongoing cy… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/05/inside-operation-diplomatic-specter.html
LilacSquid APT targeted organizations in the U.S., Europe, and Asia since at least 2021
in SecurityNewsA previously undocumented APT group tracked as LilacSquid targeted organizations in the U.S., Europe, and Asia since at least 2021. Cisco Talos resear… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/163927/apt/lilacsquid-targeted-orgs-in-us-europe-asia.html
Defending Against Persistent Phishing: A Real-World Case Study
in SecurityNewsOne of the scariest acronyms in a CISO’s knowledge base is APT Advanced Persistent Threat. This term refers to someone determined to harm you and can … First seen on securityboulevard.com Jump to article: securityboulevard.com/2024/06/defending-against-persistent-phishing-a-real-world-case-study/
China APT Stole Geopolitical Secrets From Middle East, Africa & Asia
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/china-apt-stole-geopolitical-secrets-from-middle-east-africa-and-asia
Chinese ‘ORB’ Networks Conceal APTs, Render Static IoCs Irrelevant
in SecurityNewsMandiant warns that defenders must rethink how to thwart Chinese cyber-espionage groups now using professional infrastructure-as-a-service operational… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cybersecurity-operations/chinese-orb-networks-conceal-apts-make-tracking-iocs-irrelevant
James Nutland studies what makes threat actors tick, growing our understanding of the current APT landscape
in SecurityNewsNutland says he goes into every engagement or new project with a completely open mind and a blank slate, using his background investigating terror ope… First seen on blog.talosintelligence.com Jump to article: blog.talosintelligence.com/researcher-spotlight-james-nutland/
Bitdefender Labs identifiziert neuen APT, der auf Regierungen und Militär abzielt
in SecurityNewsDie Experten der Bitdefender Labs veröffentlichen detaillierte Untersuchungen eines neuen APT (Advanced-Persistent-Threat) mit dem Namen
Iran APTs Tag Team Espionage, Wiper Attacks Against Israel & Albania
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/iran-apts-tag-team-espionage-wiper-attacks-against-israel-and-albania
Russia’s Turla APT Abuses MSBuild to Deliver TinyTurla Backdoor
A threat campaign luring users with malicious documents related to human rights and public notices is aimed at giving the Russia-backed threat group a… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/russia-turla-apt-msbuild-tinyturla-backdoor
Kimsuky APT Deploying Linux Backdoor Gomir in South Korean Cyber Attacks
in SecurityNewsThe Kimsuky (aka Springtail) advanced persistent threat (APT) group, which is linked to North Korea’s Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), has been ob… First seen on thehackernews.com Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2024/05/kimsuky-apt-deploying-linux-backdoor.html
New APT Group >>Unfading Sea Haze<< Hits Military Targets in South China Sea
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on hackread.com Jump to article: www.hackread.com/unfading-sea-haze-military-target-south-china-sea/
North Korea-linked Kimsuky used a new Linux backdoor in recent attacks
in SecurityNewsSymantec warns of a new Linux backdoor used by the North Korea-linked Kimsuky APT in a recent campaign against organizations in South Korea. Symantec… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/163364/apt/kimsuky-new-linux-backdoor.html
Turla APT Group Suspected of Utilizing Tiny BackDoor Exploiting MSBuild for Stealthy Attacks
in SecurityNewsCyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) has discovered a sophisticated cyber campaign employing malicious LNK files, potentially distributed throu… First seen on thecyberexpress.com Jump to article: thecyberexpress.com/new-turla-apt-groups-tiny-backdoor-tactics/
Turla APT used two new backdoors to infiltrate a European ministry of foreign affairs
in SecurityNewsRussia-linked Turla APT allegedly used two new backdoors, named Lunar malware and LunarMail, to target European government agencies. ESET researchers … First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/163314/apt/turla-apt-new-backdoors.html
Russian APT Hackers Attacking Critical Infrastructure
in SecurityNewsRussia leverages a mix of state-backed Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups and financially motivated cybercriminals to achieve its strategic goals… First seen on gbhackers.com Jump to article: gbhackers.com/russian-apt-hackers-attacking-critical-infrastructure/
North Korea-linked Kimsuky APT attack targets victims via Messenger
in SecurityNewsNorth Korea-linked Kimsuky APT group employs rogue Facebook accounts to target victims via Messenger and deliver malware. Researchers at Genius Securi… First seen on securityaffairs.com Jump to article: securityaffairs.com/163265/apt/north-korea-kimsuky-apt-uses-messenger.html
Cyberkrieg: Russland führt Cyberangriffe auf deutsche Einrichtungen aus
in SecurityNewsDie Bundesregierung hat eine Serie von Cyberangriffen scharf verurteilt, die der Gruppe APT 28 des russischen Militärgeheimdiensts GRU zugeschrieben w… First seen on golem.de Jump to article: www.golem.de/news/cyberkrieg-russland-fuehrt-cyberangriffe-auf-deutsche-einrichtungen-aus-2405-184823.html
Kaspersky Reveals Global Rise in APTs, Hacktivism and Targeted Attacks
in SecurityNewsKaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) has released its latest quarterly report (Q1 2024) on the advanced persistent threat (APT) activ… First seen on hackread.com Jump to article: www.hackread.com/kaspersky-rise-apt-hacktivism-targeted-attacks/
DPRK’s Kimsuky APT Abuses Weak DMARC Policies, Feds Warn
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cloud-security/dprks-kimsuky-apt-abuses-weak-dmarc-policies-feds-warn
North Korea APT Triumvirate Spied on South Korean Defense Industry For Years
in SecurityNewsLazarus, Kimsuky, and Andariel all got in on the action, stealing important data from firms responsible for defending their southern neighbors (from t… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/north-korea-apt-triumvirate-spied-on-south-korean-defense-industry-for-years
Teetering on the Edge: VPNs, Firewalls’ Nonexistent Telemetry Lures APTs
in SecurityNewsState-sponsored groups are targeting critical vulnerabilities in virtual private network (VPN) gateways, firewall appliances, and other edge devices t… First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/endpoint-security/edge-vpns-firewalls-nonexistent-telemetry-apts
ToddyCat APT Is Stealing Data on ‘Industrial Scale’
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/-toddycat-apt-is-stealing-data-on-an-industrial-scale-