Tag: apple
Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: spec comparison: The tablet wars are hotting up ahead of Christmas 2012, and no…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/ZUk3il
Kartendienst Here: Nokia verspricht bessere Karten für Apple und Android…
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adNKg
Apple patcht Quicktime für Windows
in SecurityNewsNeun Lücken wurden in Version 7.7.3 geschlossen. Angreifer konnten vor allem aufgrund von Pufferüberläufen beliebigen Code ausführen. Dazu hätten ihne… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zdnet.de/88131026/apple-patcht-quicktime-fuer-windows/
Smartphones von Apple und HTC
in SecurityNewsEin erster Friedensvertrag im weltweiten Patentkrieg: Apple und HTC wollen sich nicht länger verklagen. Eine Einigung mit anderen Android-Herstellern … First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zeit.de/digital/mobil/2012-11/apple-htc-patente-abkommen
Kopierte Uhr: Apple zahlt Millionen für Bahnhofsuhr-Design…
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adNBi
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleApple retuschiert Bücher und Musik in seinen Onlineläden. Angesichts seiner Marktstellung ein Problem. Der dänische Kulturminister will es mit seinen … First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zeit.de/digital/internet/2012-11/apple-zensur-brueste
[News] Apple releases QuickTime 7.7.3 for Windows, patches critical security vulnerabilities
in SecurityNewsApple just released QuickTime 7.7.3 for Windows, patching critical security vulnerabilities that could allow arbitrary code execution.More details on … First seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/SecurityTube/~3/DrnFb4lwF-s/1000
Hackers release Windows Phone 8 Malware – to be showcased at MalCon
in SecurityNewsWindows Phone 8 Microsoft’s latest in mobile OS technology – comes in as a direct competition to rivals Apple and Google. The research firm Gart… First seen on http: Jump to article: thehackernews.com/2012/11/hackers-release-windows-phone-8-malware.html
Apple schließt kritische Quicktime-Lücken
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.pcwelt.de/news/Quicktime_7.7.3-Apple_schliesst_kritische_Quicktime-Luecken-7057855.html
Apple Details Quicktime 7.7.3 Drive-By Vulnerabilities
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.org/news/view/21728/Apple-Details-Quicktime-7.7.3-Drive-By-Vulnerabilities.html
Apple-Smartphone: Foxconn kann nicht genügend iPhone 5 herstellen…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adNsI
Google Follows Apple’s Lead with Android App Security Screening
in SecurityNewsGoogle’s new app scanner in Android 4.2 Jelly Bean moves the platform closer to Apple’s model of vetting software before it is made available to mobil… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.computerworld.in/news/google-follows-apples-lead-android-app-security-screening-37692012
Could Apple switch its Mac range from Intel to ARM by October 2014?: Apple may decide to institute its third arc…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/RXJVo7
Prozessoren: Apple soll Intel-Abschied prüfen…
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adNjR
Apple releases update for iOS addressing iPhone, iPad critical flaws
in SecurityNewsApple has released a new iOS, version 6.0.2, that addresses a handful of vulnerabilities in the system affecting iPhone 3GS and later, the iPod touch … First seen on http: Jump to article: www.infosecurity-magazine.com//view/29136/apple-releases-update-for-ios-addressing-iphone-ipad-critical-flaws/
Apple iOS Update Patches Security Flaws
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.esecurityplanet.com/mobile-security/apple-ios-update-patches-security-flaws.html
Apple Patches Kernel, Passcode Lock and WebKit Flaws in iOS 6.0.1
in SecurityNewsA little more than a month out from the release of iOS 6, which in additioA little more than a month out from the release of iOS 6, which in additio
Flaws patched in Apples Safari browser and iOS 6
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: www.scmagazine.com/flaws-patched-in-apples-safari-browser-and-ios-6/article/266748/
Apple Fixes Safari Security Flaws
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: packetstormsecurity.org/news/view/21692/Apple-Fixes-Safari-Security-Flaws.html
Apple increases security with iOS 6.0.1
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: net-security.org/secworld.php
[News] Apple bumps iOS to 6.0.1, fixes an interesting set of bugs
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleIf you have an Apple device that is capable of running iOS 6, you might have resisted upgrading it after hearing people complain about Apple’s new map… First seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/SecurityTube/~3/hG6r-XZbTQA/960
Apple bumps iOS to 6.0.1, fixes an interesting set of bugs
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: feedproxy.google.com/~r/nakedsecurity/~3/mH-WOrD_lfI/
Apple increased R&D spending by $1 billion in 2012: Apple published its annual Form 10-K for 2012, a detailed (a…
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/Vg5RR9
Gleichstand mit Apple: Google zählt 700.000 Android-Apps…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: spon.de/adM2G
Apple R&D spending up nearly 40 percent in 2012: Apple increased the amount it spent on research and development…
in SecurityNews
Tags: appleFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/T93yej
Apple continues work on iDevice security with movement-based theft detection: Filed with the U.S. Patent and Tra…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/Y5SAu3
in SecurityNewsGoogle verkauft ab November eine komplette Linie mobiler Produkte – zu Kampfpreisen. Das Handy Nexus 4 und die Tablets Nexus 7 und 10 sollen Apple Mar… First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zeit.de/digital/mobil/2012-10/google-nexus-4-7-10
Patch Available for Broadcom Mobile Device Firmware DoS Vulnerability
in SecurityNewsOlder versions of Broadcom firmware found in a number of mobile devices from major vendors including the Apple iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy S and HTC … First seen on http: Jump to article: threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/36-million-south-carolina-taxpayers-risk-id-theft-102612
SAP aims to be the Apple of enterprise mobility: A home improvement retail chain can use an app running on an iP…
in SecurityNewsFirst seen on http: Jump to article: bit.ly/SybNA9
WLAN-Chips in Smartphones und Tablets sind anfällig für DoS-Angriffe
in SecurityNewsBetroffen sind zwei Chips von Broadcom. Sie sind unter anderem in Apples iPhone 4S, Samsungs Galaxy Tab und Nokias Lumia 800 verbaut. Ein Angriff auf … First seen on http: Jump to article: www.zdnet.de/88128691/wlan-chips-in-smartphones-und-tablets-sind-anfallig-fur-dos-angriffe/